Morality, Ethics, and the Victimhood Mentality – A Philosophical Review – 2024

Morality, Ethics, and the Victimhood Mentality – A Philosophical Review

Understanding the Difference Between Being a Victim and Victimhood

Primary Category: Philosophy of Scam Victim Recovery

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The moral difference between being a victim and embracing victimhood lies in how an individual responds to the harm they have experienced. Being a victim is a temporary condition caused by external factors beyond one’s control, such as falling for a scam. It does not imply moral blame, and it is possible to recover from this state with time and effort. Victimhood, however, involves adopting a mindset where a person continues to define themselves by the harm they’ve endured. This mindset can lead to feelings of powerlessness, entitlement, or resentment, which may hinder personal growth and responsibility.

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