BREAKING NEWS: SCARS Institute Helps Rescue Scammer Slaves in Laos! – 2024

BREAKING NEWS: SCARS Institute Helps Rescue Scammer Slaves in Laos!

Agam Firmansyah Putra Successfully Rescued from a Laotian Scammer Slave Compound with SCARS Institute Help

Primary Category: Crimes & Criminals

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

In September 2024, SCARS Institute successfully assisted in the rescue of Agam Firmansyah Putra, a victim of an employment scam held captive in a casino complex in Northern Laos.

The complex, located in the Golden Triangle region, serves as a base for organized criminal gangs running large-scale scams with forced labor. After verifying his situation, SCARS coordinated with the International Justice Mission and Laotian rescue teams to free Agam. With support from the Indonesian Embassy, he was able to escape and return home safely to Indonesia. SCARS continues to support victims like Agam in their fight for freedom.

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