Major European Money Laundering/Money Mule Services Operation Shut Down By Europol – 2024

Major European Money Laundering/Money Mule Services Operation Shut Down By Europol

Primary Category: Criminal Justice

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Europol

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Europol, alongside Italian and Portuguese authorities, spearheaded a major crackdown on money mule service providers laundering over EUR 10 million for a criminal organization behind cryptocurrency scams.

Supported by law enforcement from Austria, France, Germany, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland, the operation involved raids in France, Italy, and Romania, resulting in 11 detentions, including the scheme’s mastermind, and the seizure of electronic devices, jewelry, and cryptocurrencies.

The scam targeted millionaires through sophisticated rip-deal scams, utilizing cryptocurrencies. Europol and Eurojust provided critical support, facilitating information exchange and forensic assistance, while Europol’s #DontBeaMule campaign aims to prevent money mule activities across the EU.

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