Cyber Espionage: A New Trend Of Chinese Scam Victim Spies – 2024

Cyber Espionage: A New Trend of Turning Chinese or Other Nation-State Scam Victims into Spies

Helping Organizations Understand the Risks of Employees Who Become Involved in Relationship Scams

Primary Category: Cyberwar

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

In an era of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, Chinese scammers have adopted a new tactic: converting victims into corporate spies. This insidious method begins with scammers contacting victims through emails or social media, establishing trust through seemingly legitimate interactions.

Once trust is secured, the scammers manipulate victims into providing sensitive corporate information under the guise of legitimate activities or lucrative roles. This information, often perceived by the victims as harmless, is then relayed back to the scammers and potentially to state actors, posing significant risks to businesses and institutions.

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