61% of Nigeria’s Scammer’s Parents Know Their Children Scam and Are Ok With It – 2024

61% of Nigeria’s Scammer’s Parents Know Their Children Scam and Are Ok With It

This Demonstrates the Deep Level of Social and Moral Corruption in Nigeria

Primary Category: Criminology

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions from PM News

About This Article

The discovery that 61% of Nigeria’s scammer’s parents are aware that their children are scammers and their involvement in scams and cybercrime, specifically “Yahoo Yahoo” (internet fraud), exposes a troubling issue of familial complicity.

Many parents may even benefit financially from these illegal activities, raising ethical and legal concerns about their role as accessories after the fact, as outlined in Section 10 of Nigeria’s Criminal Code.

This complicity perpetuates cybercrime, damaging Nigeria’s reputation on a global scale.

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