
Cultural Selection Theory or Cultural Evolution and the Dangers of Unending Financial Fraud and Scams! – 2024

Cultural Selection Theory or Cultural Evolution and the Dangers of Unending Financial Fraud and Scams!

Understanding How Our Civilization Evolved the Online Scammer

Primary Category: Criminology

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The theory of civilizations involving the Preservative Force and the Innovative Force highlights the importance of both stability and change in the development and sustainability of societies. The ongoing interaction between these forces drives cultural evolution, influencing how civilizations rise, adapt, and sometimes fall. Understanding this dynamic can provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by contemporary and future societies.

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INTERPOL Operation First Light With 3,950 Arrests – 2024

INTERPOL Operation First Light With 3,950 Arrests

USD 257 million in assets seized in Operation First Light, with 3,950 arrests and the identification of 14,643 suspects spanning 61 countries.

Primary Category: Crimes and Criminals

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Operation First Light 2024, a global police initiative spanning 61 countries, has struck a significant blow to online scam networks by freezing 6,745 bank accounts and seizing assets worth USD $257 million.

The operation, which targeted various scams including phishing, investment fraud, and romance scams, resulted in 3,950 arrests and the identification of 14,643 additional suspects. Authorities intercepted USD $135 million in regular currency and USD $2 million in cryptocurrency, alongside other high-value assets.

The operation, coordinated by INTERPOL and funded by China’s Ministry of Public Security, underscores the importance of international cooperation in combating transnational organized crime and protecting victims worldwide.

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INTERPOL Financial Fraud Report: The Global Threat Expands Boosted By Technology – 2024

INTERPOL Financial Fraud Report: The Global Threat Expands Boosted By Technology

Organized Crime Groups using more Human Trafficking Victims to carry out Crypto-Investment (‘pig-butchering’) and other Scams

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The recent INTERPOL assessment on global financial fraud underscores the growing threat posed by technology-enabled organized crime groups targeting victims worldwide.

Utilizing tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI), large language models, and cryptocurrencies, these groups orchestrate sophisticated fraud campaigns with minimal technical skills and at low costs. Secretary General Jürgen Stock warns of the epidemic scale of financial fraud, emphasizing the need for urgent action and enhanced information sharing.

The report reveals prevalent fraud trends such as investment fraud and romance fraud, necessitating multi-stakeholder partnerships to develop effective counter strategies. With financial fraud increasingly perpetrated by transnational networks, law enforcement faces the challenge of strengthening data collection and analysis to combat this escalating crime.

Regional trends highlight the pervasive nature of financial fraud, from Africa to the Americas, Asia, and Europe, necessitating a coordinated global response to safeguard individuals, businesses, and governments against this evolving threat.

A new INTERPOL assessment on global financial fraud highlights how the increased use of technology is enabling organized crime groups to better target victims around the world

The Interpol report and assessment show that the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), large language models, and cryptocurrencies combined with phishing- and ransomware-as-a-service business models have resulted in more sophisticated and professional fraud campaigns without the need for advanced technical skills, and at relatively little cost.

SCARS Introduction

With the rapid advancement of technology, according to INTERPOL, financial fraud has evolved into a global epidemic, as highlighted by the recent INTERPOL assessment below.

Organized crime groups are leveraging sophisticated techniques, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), large language models, and cryptocurrencies, to orchestrate increasingly professional and widespread fraud campaigns. The emergence of AI and cryptocurrencies has lowered the barrier to entry for criminals, enabling them to conduct fraudulent activities with minimal technical expertise and at a relatively low cost.

The INTERPOL Secretary General, Jürgen Stock, warns of the urgent need for action to combat this growing threat, emphasizing the importance of closing existing gaps and promoting information sharing between sectors and across borders. The report, introduced at the Financial Fraud Summit in London, unveils key findings, including prevalent fraud trends such as investment fraud, romance fraud, and business email compromise.

To address these challenges effectively, the report calls for the establishment of multi-stakeholder Public-Private Partnerships and emphasizes the critical role of enhanced data collection and analysis in developing informed counter strategies. Regional trends reveal the pervasive nature of financial fraud across continents, from Africa to the Americas, Asia, and Europe, underscoring the need for a coordinated and collaborative approach to combat this global menace.

INTERPOL 2024 Assessment

Analysis behind the INTERPOL Global Financial Fraud Assessment also points to the global expansion of human trafficking for the purpose of forced criminality in call centres, particularly to carry out ‘pig-butchering’ scams – Read More …

Susceptibility To Deception/Scams/Fraud With Victims Who Also Suffer From Mental Disorders – 2024

Susceptibility To Deception/Scams/Fraud With Victims Who Also Suffer From Mental Disorders

Helping Scam Victims and their Families Better Understand the Impact of Deception, Scams, or Fraud on those with Mental Disorders

Scam Victim Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Based on research by the United States National Institute of Mental Health

About This Article

Individuals with diagnosed mental disorders are not only profoundly susceptible to deception but can be even more vulnerable to scams or fraud. Mental disorders can significantly impact cognitive functions and decision-making abilities, potentially increasing susceptibility to scams.

This article examines the relationship between the top ten common mental disorders and vulnerability to deception, scams, and fraud, emphasizing affected brain functions. While it serves as an introduction to the subject, individuals are advised to consult their doctor for personalized guidance.

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NACHA Changes Credit-Push ACH Payments Rules To Fight Scams & Fraud – 2024

NACHA Changes ACH Credit-Push Payments Rules To Fight Scams & Fraud

Placing More Responsibility on the Financial Services Sector to Police Scams & Fraud

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Nacha members have endorsed rules to combat fraud, including business email compromise (BEC), leveraging credit-push payments. These rules mandate ACH payment monitoring for all network participants (excluding consumers), marking a pivotal shift.

Despite not altering liability, recipient financial institutions (RDFIs) gain a monitoring role for the first time. With BEC scams, vendor impersonation, and payroll fraud causing significant losses, the need for action is urgent.

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The Global Fraud Summit In The UK – 2024

The 2024 Global Fraud Summit In The UK

Addressing Global Fraud & Cybercrimes

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  UK Home Office

About This Article

The historic Global Fraud Summit, held in the UK on March 10-11, 2024, brought together world leaders, industry experts, and representatives from multiple continents to tackle the growing threat of global fraud.

The summit aimed to foster international collaboration, raise public awareness, and develop strategies to disrupt criminal operations and prevent future scams.

A key outcome was the establishment of a joint communique outlining areas of focus, including information sharing, law enforcement cooperation, public education campaigns, and technological solutions.

This summit signifies a major step towards a more unified global front against fraud.

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North Korea Hackers are Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Scams – 2024

North Korea Hackers are Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Scams

Cybercrime is Evolving Fast!

Cybercrime News

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions from Financial Times

About This Article

North Korean hackers are now utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to orchestrate more sophisticated cyber scams, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and AI services such as ChatGPT to enhance their deceptive tactics.

This shift towards AI-driven cybercrime poses a significant challenge to cybersecurity efforts globally. By creating credible profiles and engaging targets over extended periods, hackers can execute more convincing phishing attempts and malware dissemination.

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Overconfidence And Scam Victims’ Susceptibility To Scams – 2024

Overconfidence And Scam Victims’ Susceptibility To Scams

Psychology of Scams

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

Overconfidence poses a hidden threat, enticing individuals into the dangerous realms of scams in financial and interpersonal spheres.

Manifesting in decision-making and risk assessment, overconfidence leads people to overestimate their abilities, influenced by cognitive biases and reliance on mental shortcuts.

The brain’s reward system reinforces this bias through positive feedback, hindering objective self-evaluation. This overconfidence, pervasive in romance and cryptocurrency scams, blinds individuals to red flags and manipulations.

Understanding the neuroscience behind overconfidence involves recognizing cognitive biases, anchoring bias, illusion of control, and prefrontal cortex involvement. Mitigating overconfidence requires diverse perspectives, expert advice, critical thinking, and mindfulness, empowering individuals to make rational and informed decisions.

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Fraud & Scams Are So Big We Need To Teach It In Schools – 2024

Fraud & Scams Are So Big We Need To Teach It In Schools

An Editorial About The Need To Share Anti-Fraud Information With Children!

•  Yaniv Hanoch, Professor in Decision Science, University of Southampton
•  Stacey Wood, Professor of Psychology, Scripps College

Article Abstract

The growing prevalence of fraud demands a critical shift in education, urging the inclusion of anti-fraud teachings in school curricula. With fraud cases rising by 25% in the UK alone, encompassing over 40% of individual crimes, the traditional view of fraud as an issue solely affecting the gullible or vulnerable is outdated.

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Scam Victims And The Crossing Of The River Styx – An Interpretation Of The Recovery Process – 2023

Scam Victims And The Crossing Of The River Styx

An Interpretation of the Recovery Process

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Hear this article – Read by the Author – Click Here

The Recovery Process Has Greater Meaning Than Just Feeling Better For Scam Victims!

It Is A Mythological Journey From The Land Of What Was Once To The Land Of What Will Be

For most scam victims their recovery process is a journey of rebirth and renewal. It is a journey through the emotional underworld and that journey is a heroic beginning to their new and future life. And like most hero’s journeys, most of those who could make the journey will never take it, yet ironically, everyone could.

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Scams and Cryptocurrency Go Hand in Hand

Scams and Cryptocurrency go Hand in Hand

•  Yaniv Hanoch, Associate Professor in Risk Management, University of Southampton; and
•  Stacey Wood, Professor of Psychology, Scripps College

Scams And Cryptocurrency Can Go Hand In Hand – Here’s How They Work And What To Watch Out For

When one of our students told us they were going to drop out of college in August 2021, it wasn’t the first time we’d heard of someone ending their studies prematurely. What was new, though, was the reason. The student had become a victim of a cryptocurrency scam and had lost all their money – including a bank loan – leaving them not just broke, but in debt. The experience was financially and psychologically traumatic, to say the least.

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The Importance Of Taxonomies In Understanding Scams Fraud & Cybercrimes – 2023

The Importance Of Taxonomies In Understanding Scams Fraud & Cybercrimes


•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

The article delineates the paramount significance of taxonomies in criminology, cybersecurity, fraud prevention, and law enforcement, emphasizing their role in creating unified frameworks for understanding criminal behavior.

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2024-01-10T14:50:02-05:00June 20th, 2023|Categories: • CRIMINOLOGY, 2023, ARTICLE, Tim McGuinness PhD|Tags: , , , |