Romance Scams

Hypergamy Delusion and Romance Scams – A Fundamental Vulnerability – 2024

Hypergamy Delusion and Romance Scams

A Fundamental Vulnerability Shaping Relationship Choices and Leading to Relationship Scams

Primary Category: Psychology of Scams

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Hypergamy, the tendency to seek a partner of higher socioeconomic status, influences relationship dynamics shaped by evolutionary instincts, cultural norms, and contemporary aspirations. It can play an important role in romance scams/relationship scams by leading individuals to make biased choices.

Traditionally observed more among women seeking stability and social mobility, hypergamy reflects desires for financial security and status enhancement. In contrast, men often prioritize youth and physical attractiveness, rooted in evolutionary cues of reproductive fitness.

Hypergamy manifests through curated social profiles that project wealth and success, influencing partner selection in online dating and online social interactions. However, this aspiration-driven paradigm also poses risks, as scammers exploit hypergamous triggers to manipulate emotions and perpetrate financial fraud.

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Scam Victims Becoming Drug Mules In Japan And The Case Of Donna Nelson – 2024

Scam Victims Becoming Drug Mules in Japan

And the Case of Donna Nelson

Criminology – Understanding how Romance Scam Victims can be Converted into Criminals

• Rika Takebe, NPO Charms

About This Article

The arrest of Ebo Jeremiah in Japan sheds light on the sinister intersection of romance scams and drug trafficking. Exploiting a Japanese woman’s trust and affection, Jeremiah orchestrated the smuggling of methamphetamine from Israel to Japan, using her as a receiver under the guise of a fabricated romantic relationship.

This case underscores the vulnerability of fraud victims to manipulation and coercion, as well as the insidious tactics employed by criminal networks to exploit human emotions for illicit gains.

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The Scam Victims Need To Feel Special And How Scammers Exploit This Vulnerability – 2024

The Scam Victims Need To Feel Special And How Scammers Exploit This Vulnerability

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

In today’s online world, individuals seeking companionship often become susceptible to the deceptive tactics employed by relationship scammers. These scammers exploit their scam victims’ inherent desire to feel special and wanted by meticulously crafting personas designed to lure in and capture their targets.

Through careful grooming, scammers establish trust and dependency, creating an illusion of authenticity to conceal their true criminal intentions. The consequences for those ensnared in these schemes can be dire, leading to betrayal, heartbreak, and significant emotional trauma. Understanding this psychological vulnerability and others that make prospect scam victims susceptible to exploitation is paramount in combating these scams, enabling scam victims to both recover from these crimes but also to avoid future scams.

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Motivation & Scam Victims – 2024

Motivation & Scam Victims

Understanding What Motivates Scam Victims During and After the Scam

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The article delves into the intricate web of motivations that drive individuals, particularly scam victims, exploring both intrinsic and extrinsic drivers such as emotional connection, financial gain, and the quest for achievement and power.

It explaions how scammers exploit these motivations, weaving deceptive narratives to manipulate victims during and after the scam. By understanding the psychological underpinnings of victimization, individuals can recognize red flags, reclaim their power, and embark on a path to recovery.

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Trust: Romance Scams Betrayal And Scam Victims – 2024

Betrayal And The Destruction Of Trust In Scam Victims

Scam Victim Psychology & Recovery

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

Romance scams inflict profound emotional and psychological harm, far exceeding mere financial loss. This paper delves into the neurochemical basis of trust formation and the devastating repercussions when that trust is violently betrayed. We explore the brain regions, hormones, and neurotransmitters involved in building intimacy, and the cascade of negative effects triggered by its shattering.

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Stockholm Syndrome – Getting Scam Victims To Break The Law – 2024

Stockholm Syndrome – Getting Scam Victims To Break The Law

Understanding The Coercive Power Of Scam Manipulation And Control

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

Romance scams, extend far beyond loss of trust and financial losses, often ensnaring victims in a web of emotional manipulation that can lead to criminal acts. Much like Stockholm syndrome, victims of romance scams experience intense psychological coercion, resulting in their coerced involvement in illegal activities for their fraudulent partners.

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Relationship Scam Victims – Impact On Employment And Jobs – Saving Employment After A Scam

Relationship Scam Victims – The Impact On Employment And Jobs – Saving Employment After A Scam

Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

The article examines the challenges faced by scam victims of relationship scams in maintaining their employment post-scam, outlining the emotional trauma’s impact on job performance. Authors Vianey Gonzalez and Dr. Tim McGuinness shed light on the struggles of scam victims, whose grief and emotional distress permeate into the workplace, making work seem insurmountable.

The emotional aftermath disrupts work routines, triggers absenteeism, and hampers productivity due to trauma-induced symptoms like brain fog, reduced motivation, and concentration difficulties. Scam victims also experience fear of judgment and social isolation at work, amplifying the emotional burden.

The piece offers advice, urging victims to seek professional help, join support groups, prioritize self-care, communicate with employers, and understand their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to secure accommodations. It emphasizes that though recovery takes time, it’s possible to reclaim professional stability with support and resilience.

For Relationship Scam Victims Work Feels Impossible – The Hidden Cost of Romance Scams on Careers

For Scam Victims losing love can be devastating when you are the victim of a relationship scam.

When that love was a lie, a romance or relationship scam, woven by a gang of deceitful romance scammers, can force the pain can spill over into every corner of life, including one crucial area: work. For many scam victims, the emotional trauma and grief brought on by relationship scams can make holding down a job feel impossible.

Fortunately, scam victims have rights that can help them hold onto their jobs.

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Love Scams: Foreigners Lie to Bulgarian Women on the Internet – 2023

Love Scams: Foreigners Lie to Bulgarian Women on the Internet

•  Julian Stoyanov, Nova Broadcasting Group Ltd.
•  Lydia Zagarova – Psychologist, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Love Scams Target Bulgarian Women To Steal Their Money, Break Their Hearts, and Destroy Their Trust – Leaving Them Traumatized

Translated from Bulgarian

The Love Scam Victim’s Story of Lydia Zagarova from Bulgaria.

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