Scammers Arrested In India Using A New Return Money Scam Tactic – 2024

Scammers Arrested In India Using A New Return Money Scam Tactic

A New Phone Scam Variation – Demanding the Return of Money Wrongly Sent

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

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In a recent cyber fraud case in India, a scammer devised a cunning scheme involving a fake hotel website, duping an unsuspecting accountant of Rs 49,500 under the guise of room booking charges. The arrest of the scammer, Zafar Khan, unveiled a sophisticated new scam approach granting scammers easy access to their targets’ mobile numbers.

Leveraging the ‘Friend Search Tool’ app, Khan identified potential victims and initiated phone contact under the pretense of returning mistakenly credited money.

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