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The Cost Of Global Cybercrime

The Cost Of Global Cybercrime

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Cybercrime is Costing Every Person on this Planet $750 per Year!

CONSIDER: Global Cybercrime Is Above USD$6 Trillion Dollars Per Year Now!

That Is $6 Trillion Dollars A Year in costs just from cybercrime! It Will Soon Pass $8 Trillion (According To Some Estimates).

Cybercrime is costing more than the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of 8 of the top 10 economies in the world!

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The Importance Of Taxonomies In Understanding Scams Fraud & Cybercrimes – 2023

The Importance Of Taxonomies In Understanding Scams Fraud & Cybercrimes


•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

The article delineates the paramount significance of taxonomies in criminology, cybersecurity, fraud prevention, and law enforcement, emphasizing their role in creating unified frameworks for understanding criminal behavior.

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Our ScamsNOW mission is to present important news & commentary about the global state of scams, fraud, & cybercrime, the criminals that engage in these crimes, law enforcement & governmental issues, and explore the challenging issues that victims face.

2024-09-04T03:56:39-04:00 Editorial Policy

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  • Owner: Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., a Florida Nonprofit Corporation.
  • Publisher in Chief: Dr. Tim McGuinness, Managing Director, Board Member, and SCARS Officer
  • Press Contact: Debby Montgomery Johnson, Director, Board Member, and SCARS Officer
  • Editorial Advisory Board: Vianey Gonzalez, and others.


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Replacing the UK’s Action Fraud City of London Police for Inaction Against Scams – 2024

Replacing the UK’s Action Fraud for Inaction Against Scams

Reviewing the Progress Made in the UK to Replace the City of London Police’s Action Fraud

Primary Category with link to search

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Alexander Martin, The Record

Replacement for the City of London’s Action Fraud, UK’s Scam, Fraud, and Cybercrime Reporting Service, delayed again until 2025

According to the Record – being reprinted in the public interest – source link above

Action Fraud

The launch date for the repeatedly delayed replacement service for Action Fraud, the much-criticized reporting center for fraud and financially motivated cybercrime in Britain, has again been pushed back, a senior police officer has confirmed to Recorded Future News.

The likely date will be sometime in the spring of 2025, according to Nik Adams, the temporary assistant commissioner at the City of London Police.

In its current form Action Fraud, which is run by the City of London Police, has been described as “not fit for purpose” by the House of Commons Justice Committee amid a surge in the levels of that crime affecting people across the country.

The Public Accounts Committee stated it was “seriously concerned that the failures of Action Fraud in supporting victims of fraud has earned it the nickname ‘Inaction Fraud,’” and echoed the Justice Committee’s findings that the levels of fraud were being driven by shortcomings across the whole of the criminal justice system.

A replacement service aiming to provide more intelligence Read More …

INTERPOL Operation First Light With 3,950 Arrests – 2024

INTERPOL Operation First Light With 3,950 Arrests

USD 257 million in assets seized in Operation First Light, with 3,950 arrests and the identification of 14,643 suspects spanning 61 countries.

Primary Category: Crimes and Criminals

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Operation First Light 2024, a global police initiative spanning 61 countries, has struck a significant blow to online scam networks by freezing 6,745 bank accounts and seizing assets worth USD $257 million.

The operation, which targeted various scams including phishing, investment fraud, and romance scams, resulted in 3,950 arrests and the identification of 14,643 additional suspects. Authorities intercepted USD $135 million in regular currency and USD $2 million in cryptocurrency, alongside other high-value assets.

The operation, coordinated by INTERPOL and funded by China’s Ministry of Public Security, underscores the importance of international cooperation in combating transnational organized crime and protecting victims worldwide.

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5 Bulgarian Fraudsters Convicted In The UK – 2024

5 Bulgarian Fraudsters Convicted In The UK

Fraud on a Massive Factory Scale

Primary Category: Criminal Justice

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions by Daily Mail

About This Article

Five Bulgarian fraudsters who defrauded the UK’s Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) of £54 million have been jailed for over 25 years. The gang hijacked 6,000 identities to claim Universal Credit, using children’s names from Bulgaria.

They operated three ‘benefit factories’ in London, producing fake tenancy agreements, payslips, and letters to trick the DWP. The group flaunted their wealth on social media, with photos showing them at Antonia’s Foods supermarket in Wood Green. Ringleader Galina Nikolova, 38, was sentenced to eight years for her key role in the scam, which Judge David Aaronberg described as being conducted on an ‘industrial scale’. Stoyan Stoyanov, 27, received four years, while Gyunesh Ali, 33, was jailed for seven years and three months. Tsvetka Todorova, 52, and Patritsia Paneva, 26, received three years each.

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FTC New Impersonation Scams Rule Effective Today – 2024

FTC New Impersonation Scams Rule Effective Today

Government taking action Against Scams!

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Federal Trade Commission

About This Article

The FTC’s new rule targeting government and business impersonation scams takes effect today, April 1st, 2024, aiming to combat the soaring losses reported by consumers, which surpassed $1.1 billion last year alone.

The rule addresses the most common tactics employed by scammers, such as fake account security alerts and phony subscription renewals, and highlights the rise in text and email-based scams alongside declining phone calls. Notably, bank transfers and cryptocurrency payments have become the predominant methods used by victims, prompting the FTC to propose stronger measures, including prohibiting the impersonation of individuals and facilitating scams.

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Scam Reimbursement Part 1 – UK Payment Systems Regulator Final Scam Reimbursement Model – 2024

UK Payment Systems Regulator Final Scam Reimbursement

Implementing Widespread Scam/Fraud Victim Reimbursement in the United Kingdom = A Model for the World!

•  Ken Palla, Retired Director, MUFG Union Bank – Courtesy of BioCatch

Article Abstract

“UK Payment Systems Regulator Sets Precedent with Final Scam Reimbursement Guidelines”

The UK Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) released comprehensive scam reimbursement requirements, effective October 2024, offering a global model.

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Mexican Timeshare Fraud – Mexican CJNG Drug Cartel Government Impersonation Scams 2023

Mexican Timeshare Fraud – Mexican CJNG Drug Cartel Government Impersonation Scams

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions ABC News and U.S. Treasury Department

A Mexican Drug Cartel Is Using U.S. Government Impersonation In Mexican Timeshare Fraud Posing As U.S. Officials

U.S. authorities say the Jalisco Mexican Drug Cartel was so bold in operating frauds targeting elderly Americans that the gang’s operators posed as U.S. Treasury Department officials.

A Mexican drug cartel is operating Timeshare Frauds that target elderly Americans who have bought timeshares in Mexico. The gang’s operators posed as U.S. Treasury Department officials, U.S. authorities said Thursday.

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Repeat Nigerian Scammer Adedayo Ilori Gets 25 Years In U.S. Prison

Repeat Nigerian Scammer Adedayo Ilori Gets 25 Years In U.S. Prison

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., Portions U.S. Department of Justice

Repeat Nigerian Scammer Goes To Prison

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ADEDAYO Adedayo Ilori was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil to 25 years in prison for his participation in a sophisticated identity theft and COVID-19 loan fraud scheme.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Even while on bail for federal fraud offenses, Adedayo Ilori could not help but continue his repeated fraud and identity theft crimes. He saw the hardships and disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic and the federal government’s efforts to address those in need as an opportunity for fraud. He lined his own pockets and recklessly used the identities of dozens of victims. Today’s sentence sends a message to Ilori and others engaged in similar crimes that such conduct, especially when it is repeated, will be severely punished.”

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U.S. FCC Imposes Record Penalty Against Transnational Illegal Robocalling Operation

FCC Issues Historic $300 Million Fine Against The Largest Robocalling Scam It Has Ever Investigated

By Federal Communications Commission & SCARS Editorial Team

U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Imposes Record Penalty Against Transnational Illegal Robocalling Operation

Robocalling Scammers Who Placed Five Billion Auto Warranty Robocalls Fined Nearly $300 Million for Robocall and Spoofing Violations

The Federal Communications Commission today issued a record-breaking $299,997,000 fine for auto warranty scam robocalling made by the largest illegal robocall operation the agency has ever investigated. An international network of companies violated federal statutes and the Commission’s regulations when they executed a scheme to make more than five billion robocalls to more than 500 million phone numbers during a three-month span in 2021, including violating federal spoofing laws by using more than one million different caller ID numbers in an attempt to disguise the true origin of the robocalls and trick victims into answering the phone.

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FTC: Alexa Data Abuse – 2023

FTC: Alexa Data Abuse

•  Elisa Jillson, U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) – reprinted

Article Abstract

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) underscores critical violations in Amazon and Ring’s handling of consumers’ private data, voice recordings, and video footage. Amidst AI’s burgeoning presence, the complaints highlight companies’ negligence towards customer privacy, breaching the FTC’s Biometric Policy Statement. Emphasizing the pivotal nexus of AI and privacy, the FTC urges caution in data collection, stressing the need for consumer control.

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