NO FAKES ACT – Proposed New U.S. Law To Go After Deep Fake Producers & Creators – 2024

NO FAKES ACT – Proposed New U.S. Law To Go After Deep Fake Producers & Creators

A Proposed New Law that can have a Significant Impact of Deep Fake Scams and Impersonations

Primary Category: Government / Regulatory

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The NO FAKES Act, introduced in July 2024 by Senators Coons, Blackburn, Klobuchar, and Tillis, aims to protect individuals’ voices and likenesses from unauthorized AI-generated replicas.

The bill has positive aspects, such as safeguarding personal rights, holding creators and platforms accountable, creating a uniform national standard, and considering First Amendment protections.

However, it also faces challenges, including potential overreach, enforcement difficulties, impact on smaller entities, and broader implications for Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

The bipartisan support highlights its importance, though careful implementation is necessary to balance creativity and personal rights.

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