North Korean Cyberespionage Inside KnowBe4 Company – A Massive Wake Up Call For Cybersecurity Industry- 2024

North Korean Cyberespionage Inside KnowBe4 Company – A Massive Wake-Up Call For Cybersecurity Industry

How a North Korean Agent Infiltrated KnowBe4

Primary Category: Cybersecurity

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions KnowBe4 and other sources

About This Article

KnowBe4 recently uncovered that a newly hired remote software engineer, who passed both interview and background checks, was actually a North Korean agent.

The discovery was made after suspicious activity linked to a company-issued MacBook raised red flags. The company’s IT and security teams acted quickly, restricting access and launching an investigation. They found that the individual had loaded malware onto the device and used a single-board computer to manipulate data.

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