Tuning Out The Noise – Your Brain Filters What You Perceive – 2024

Tuning Out The Noise – Your Brain Filters What You Perceive

Understanding Your Brain’s Focus & Filtering Mechanisms

Primary Category: Neurology of the Brain

•  Salvatore Domenic Morgera, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering, University of South Florida – Salvatore Domenic Morgera has received funding for research in networks from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies, National Science Foundation, United States Special Operations Command, IBM, Harris Corporation, CMC Electronics, Motorola, Bell Canada, and other public and private agencies.

About This Article

The human brain processes hundreds of billions of neural signals each second, managing to focus on specific signals amid significant background noise, much like tuning into a conversation at a noisy party.

This feat is achieved through two primary mechanisms. First, neurons synchronize their activity, enhancing the clarity of the signal, similar to voices harmonizing in a choir. Second, brainwaves, or natural rhythms, act as a “delivery key,” marking the timing of signals and ensuring they reach their intended destination.

These processes not only help in understanding the brain’s complexity but also inspire advancements in telecommunications, artificial intelligence, and potential noninvasive treatments for neurological disorders.

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