SCARS Is Changing The Way Ghana West Africa Thinks About Scams Fraud & Cybercrime – April 2024

SCARS is Changing the way Ghana West Africa thinks about Scams Fraud & Cybercrime

SCARS Director Dr. Tim McGuinness was presenting to the Ghana Police Service Academy on April 15th, 2024

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions from the Ghana Internet Safety Foundation

About This Article

The ePolice Academy 2024 International Edition, a collaborative initiative by the Ghana Police Service and the Ghana Internet Safety Foundation, recently concluded with resounding success in Sunyani, Ghana.

The event, held at Sheila’s Executive Hotel, gathered cybersecurity experts and law enforcement officers to explore the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in cyber forensic investigations and enhance online safety. Key speakers like Dr. Edward Danso Ansong, Dr. Isaac Tweneboah-Koduah, and Dr. Tim McGuinness of SCARS provided invaluable insights into AI’s role in cybersecurity and the impact of cybercrime on victims.

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