Hollywood Effect – Romance Entitlement Vulnerability – Believing You Are Entitled To A Perfect Romantic Partner – 2024

Hollywood Effect – Romance Entitlement Vulnerability – Believing You Are Entitled To A Perfect Romantic Partner

Hollywood Effect/Disney Syndrome – Cognitive Biases play a giant role in all Scam Victims’ Vulnerabilities

Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Victims of romance scams often fall prey to a unique vulnerability known as the ‘Hollywood Effect’ or ‘Disney Syndrome,’ where they harbor unrealistic expectations about finding the perfect partner, particularly in the realm of online dating. This cognitive bias, fueled by idealized portrayals of romance in media and popular culture, sets the stage for scammers to exploit individuals seeking their own fairy tale romance.

Because of this, victims overlook red flags and dismiss imperfections in pursuit of an idealized image of love, leaving them susceptible to manipulation and deception. Recognizing the signs of the Hollywood Effect is crucial for avoiding romance scams and approaching relationships with authenticity and resilience.

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