The Dangers Of Teen Sextortion Scams – 2024

The Dangers Of Teen Sextortion Scams

An Introduction to Teen Sextortion Scams and the Damage it does!

Primary Category: Scam Basics

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Teen sextortion scams are a significant threat in today’s world, exploiting teens’ vulnerabilities by luring them into fake relationships and extorting money.

These scams cause devastating emotional and psychological impacts, such as psychological trauma, intense fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, depression, and suicidal thoughts, often leading to isolation.

Socially, they damage reputations, disrupt education, and erode trust in relationships.

Financially, victims face monetary losses and jeopardized future financial security.

Legally, these scams expose teens to criminal networks and potential involvement in illegal activities, risking their safety.

To combat this, education, open communication, strong privacy practices, and prompt reporting are crucial for protecting teens from sextortion.

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