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Mona Faiz Montrage ‘Hajia4Reall’ – A Ghana Influencer Pleads Guilty In U.S. Court To Romance Scams – 2024

Ghana Influencer Mona Faiz Montrage ‘Hajia4Reall’ Pleads Guilty In U.S. Court To Romance Scams

Ghana Influencer Guilty of Involvement In Ghana Romance Scams

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Ghanaian influencer and musician Mona Faiz Montrage, also known as Hajia4Reall, has confessed to her involvement in a string of romance scams, leading to the illicit acquisition of over $2 million, as disclosed by the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

The 31-year-old, once revered as a leading Instagram influencer with a following exceeding 3 million, was linked to a West African criminal syndicate orchestrating fraudulent activities targeting individuals and enterprises in the United States.

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INTERPOL Warns Of ‘Metacrime’ On The Metaverse – 2024

INTERPOL Warns Of ‘Metacrime’ On The Metaverse

An Insight into Crime of the Future in the Metaverse

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

INTERPOL’s new white paper delves into the emerging challenges of the Metaverse, highlighting the rise of ‘Metacrime.’

From grooming and radicalization to cyber-attacks targeting critical infrastructure and virtual property theft, law enforcement faces multifaceted threats in virtual realms. The paper underscores the complexities of investigating crimes where physical evidence is absent, emphasizing the need for digital forensic expertise. Yet, it also recognizes the potential for law enforcement, including advanced simulation and immersive training.

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North Korea Hackers are Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Scams – 2024

North Korea Hackers are Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Scams

Cybercrime is Evolving Fast!

Cybercrime News

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions from Financial Times

About This Article

North Korean hackers are now utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to orchestrate more sophisticated cyber scams, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and AI services such as ChatGPT to enhance their deceptive tactics.

This shift towards AI-driven cybercrime poses a significant challenge to cybersecurity efforts globally. By creating credible profiles and engaging targets over extended periods, hackers can execute more convincing phishing attempts and malware dissemination.

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A Fake Social Media Scam But A Real Murder For Hire Plot In Alaska – 2024

A Fake Social Media Scam But A Real Murder For Hire Plot In Alaska

How a Fake Social Media Profile Induced Teens Online to Commit a Murder for Hire!

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions Alaska Department of Law, KTUU, and other sources

About This Article

The chilling murder-for-hire plot in Alaska involving Denali Dakota Skye Brehmer, which resulted in the tragic death of 19-year-old Cynthia Hoffman, highlights the dangerous consequences of online deception and manipulation, particularly in the context of ‘catfishing’ schemes.

Brehmer, along with her accomplices, was induced by an Indiana man, Darin Schilmiller, who offered a false promise of $9 million in exchange for photos and videos of Hoffman’s murder.

Despite not being the one to pull the trigger, Brehmer’s pivotal role in orchestrating the murder led to her sentencing of 99 years in prison.

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Transnational Organized Crime Using Luxury Goods For Money Laundering – 2024

Transnational Organized Crime Using Luxury Goods For Money Laundering

Understanding the Money Flows with Transnational Organized Crime

An Overview of Transnational Organized Crime Money Laundering

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Transnational organized crime (TOC) is increasingly turning to luxury goods like watches and handbags for money laundering. These items’ high value, portability, and established resale channels make them attractive for criminals to hide and convert illicit gains.

TOC methods involve bulk purchases, smuggling, fake documentation, and online marketplaces. The consequences impact businesses through reputational damage and market distortion, governments battling financing of illegal activities, and consumers facing trust issues about product authenticity.

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U.S. Bank President Lured Into Pig Butchering Scam – Embezzled Almost $50 Million – 2024

U.S. Bank President Lured Into Pig Butchering Scam

Victim Embezzled Almost $50 Million

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The CEO of a Kansas bank was arrested for allegedly embezzling $50 million to participate in a “Pig Butchering” crypto scam, where victims are manipulated into investing in fake schemes.

This incident, causing the bank to fail, highlights the rising threat of investment fraud, which the FBI reports increased 183% from 2021 to 2022. Kansas bank commissioner David Herndon urges caution, advising against clicking unknown links or replying to suspicious emails. This case underscores the importance of investor education and awareness regarding crypto scams and other forms of investment fraud.

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$3.1 Trillion – Recovering Transnational Organized Crime Profits – Reimagining the World – An Essay – 2024

$3.1 Trillion – Recovering Organized Crime Profits – Reimagining the World

An Essay

How We Can Make A Better World

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Reclaiming the $3.1 trillion lost yearly to transnational organized crime could fuel massive societal transformation.

Redirecting these funds towards education, healthcare, infrastructure, and environmental conservation could spark progress globally. Achieving this vision requires disrupting criminal networks, enhancing law enforcement cooperation, and implementing robust policy reforms. It starts with awareness, commitment, and collective action to reclaim the potential hidden within those lost trillions from transnational organized crime.

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New York State Goes After Citibank For Failing To Protect & Refund To Scam Victims – January 2024

New York State Goes After Citibank for Failing to Protect & Refund to Scam Victims

New York State Attorney General Files Lawsuit Against Citibank for Scam Victim

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The New York Attorney General, Letitia James, filed a lawsuit against Citibank for negligence in protecting customers from fraud, alleging that the bank failed to implement strong security measures and improperly denied reimbursement to victims.

Citi’s lax security protocols led to millions of dollars being stolen from customers, with some losing their life savings. Victims reported delayed responses to fraud claims, with Citi often leaving them on lengthy holds, allowing scammers to continue their activities. The lawsuit highlights the importance of robust security measures and swift responses to fraud reports by financial institutions.

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Understanding Grief & Complex Grief for Scam Victims 2024

Understanding Grief & Complex Grief for Scam Victims

Scam Victim Recovery Psychology

Helping Scam Victim Find and Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions from multiple sources for accuracy

Article Abstract

Scam victims endure various forms of grief, each impacting their recovery uniquely.

Each grief type adds complexity for scam victims, necessitating tailored recovery addressing betrayal, financial repercussions, legal aspects, online safety, shame, isolation, education, emotional resilience, relationship rebuilding, peer support, and ongoing vigilance.

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New Scam Victims – the Importance of Starting Off Right 2024

Importance of Starting Off Right for New Scam Victims

New Scam Victims Can Be Very Confused About What To Do Next!

Scam Victims Support & Recovery

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

Guide for New Scam Victims: Navigating the Path to Healing

Discovering you’re a scam victim is bewildering, but understanding it’s not your fault is crucial. Professional criminals manipulate vulnerabilities, making anyone susceptible. You’re not alone; scams affect millions globally.

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Ukrainian Scammer/Cryptojacker Arrested – 2024

Ukrainian Scammer/Cryptojacker Arrested

Law Enforcement Action Against Cybercriminals

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

A 29-year-old mastermind of a complex cryptojacking scheme, believed to have mined over EUR 1.8 million, was arrested in Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

The National Police of Ukraine, supported by Europol and a cloud provider, collaborated intensively to apprehend the suspect. Cryptojacking involves the unauthorized use of cloud infrastructure to mine cryptocurrencies, bypassing server and power costs.

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Romance Scam Victim Steals And Gives To Her Scammer – 2024

Romance Scam Victim Steals And Gives To Her Scammer

An Example Of The Level Of Control Scammers Have Over Their Victims

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

A tragic case unfolds as Sharon Ann Schmalzriedt, a Minnesota woman and romance scam victim, faces charges for embezzling $3.75 million from a local business and misappropriating $17,150 from a vulnerable adult. Allegedly entangled in an online romance, she funneled funds to an individual named Erik Lockwood, misled by his claims of needing US currency to access millions owed.

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xDedic Marketplace Is Now An Ex-xDedic Marketplace! Another Dark Web Shutdown 2024

xDedic Marketplace Is Now An Ex-xDedic Marketplace!

Global Law Enforcement Shuts Down Dark Web Marketplace and Arrests 19

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  United States Department of Justice

Article Abstract

United States Attorney Roger B. Handberg concludes a significant transnational cybercrime investigation into the xDedic Marketplace, a dark web site trafficking in login credentials and personal data of U.S. residents.

Operating globally, this marketplace enabled diverse illegal activities such as tax fraud and ransomware.

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Vulnerability and Breakdown in Scam Victims – The Camel’s Back Syndrome Metaphor – 2024

The Camel’s Back Syndrome

A Metaphor for Vulnerability and Breakdown in Scam Victims

The Psychology of Scams

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

The Camel’s Back Syndrome serves as a potent metaphor elucidating the vulnerabilities and collapse encountered by scam victims.

Capturing the gradual accumulation of stressors akin to straws on a camel’s back, it mirrors the incremental breakdown in victims’ psychological resilience during scams. Exploring this metaphor unveils the intricate process of scams, shedding light on the profound trauma post-discovery.

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Fraud & Scams Are So Big We Need To Teach It In Schools – 2024

Fraud & Scams Are So Big We Need To Teach It In Schools

An Editorial About The Need To Share Anti-Fraud Information With Children!

•  Yaniv Hanoch, Professor in Decision Science, University of Southampton
•  Stacey Wood, Professor of Psychology, Scripps College

Article Abstract

The growing prevalence of fraud demands a critical shift in education, urging the inclusion of anti-fraud teachings in school curricula. With fraud cases rising by 25% in the UK alone, encompassing over 40% of individual crimes, the traditional view of fraud as an issue solely affecting the gullible or vulnerable is outdated.

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Savior Syndrome And The Negative Consequences To Them And Other Scam Victims – 2023

Savior Syndrome (Savior Complex or Messiah Complex)

And the Negative Consequences to Them and Other Scam Victims

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
Originally Published on 2018

Savior Syndrome/Savior Complex – How Victims Often Use Negative Coping Mechanisms To Avoid The Pain Of Their Own Trauma

After Someone Is Victimized They Are Often Desperate To Take Control Back

The development of savior syndrome in scam victims who have experienced prior trauma is a complex and often counterintuitive phenomenon. It is a very powerful negative coping mechanism that leads them to believe they must help others instead of helping themselves first. However, understanding the underlying factors can help us offer better support and guidance to these individuals.

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Scam Victim Commits Suicide – Romance Scam Scammers Arrested – 2023

Scam Victim Commits Suicide

Romance Scam Scammers Arrested

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Nigerians Scammers Living In The U.S. Romance Scam Elderly Man Who Then Takes His Own Life!

The FBI has disclosed a tragic story involving a retired teacher’s suicide, a result of falling victim to a sick celebrity romance scam, allegedly orchestrated by a New Jersey couple of Nigerian descent, Chinagorom Onwumere, 34, and Salma Abdalkareem, 27, residing in the United States.

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INTERPOL Operation HAECHI IV – Over 3,500 Successful Arrests – Expanded Details – 2023

INTERPOL Operation HAECHI IV – Expanded Details

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

USD $300 Million Seized And 3,500 Suspects Arrested In International Financial Crime Operation HAECHI IV

Interpol Operation HAECHI IV was a global operation targeting cyber-enabled financial scams, running from July to December 2023.

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Magic & Relationship Scams – Both Involve Similar Manipulation & Control – 2023

Magic & Relationship Scams – Both Involve Similar Manipulation & Control

Lessons Learned From Magic In How Scammers Manipulate Scam Victims Into and During Relationship Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Just Like Scammers, Magic Relies On Significant Manipulation & Control

In fact, what we call magic today began in ancient history as methods to scam people from their wealth

Magic tricks and relationship scams may seem worlds apart, but both rely on intricate psychological manipulation techniques to achieve their ends.

While magic aims to entertain and amaze through illusion, relationship scams prey on emotions and trust, resulting in deceit and exploitation.

Let’s explore the parallels and differences in the manipulation techniques employed in both scenarios.

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Pig Butchering Scams In Southeast Asia – 2023

Pig-Butchering Scams In Southeast Asia

•  SCARS Editorial Team

Pig Butchering Scams – How Deeply Wired Into Law Enforcement Chinese Criminals Are In Southeast Asia

How ‘pig-butchering’ scams have emerged as a billion-dollar crypto industry

At a Thai police headquarters in October 2022, Chinese businessman Wang Yicheng congratulated one of Bangkok’s most senior cybercrime investigators on his recent promotion, presenting the official with a large bouquet of flowers wrapped in red paper and a bow.

Mr. Wang, the vice-president of a local Chinese trade group, wished the new cybercrime investigator “smooth work and new achievements”, according to the group’s website, which displays photographs of the event.

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EUROPOL Money Mule Action 2023 – Over 10,000 Identified

EUROPOL Money Mule Action 2023 – Over 10,000 Identified

•  SCARS Editorial Team –  Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions EUROPOL

For Money Mules, Their Paper Trail Ends In Jail Time For 1,013 Money Mules As A Result Of The 2023 Europol Actions Against Money Mules

2,822 banks and financial institutions join forces with law enforcement agencies against Money Mules in a global effort against money laundering!

Law enforcement agencies from 26 countries, in collaboration with Europol, Eurojust, INTERPOL, and several private industry partners, have once again joined forces to combat a key facilitator of money laundering: money mules and their recruiters. In June, October, and November 2023, several operational phases identified 10,759 money mules and 474 recruiters, leading to the arrest of 1,013 individuals worldwide.

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Anger & Self-Radicalization – Recovery Psychology 2023

Anger & Self-Radicalization

How Scam Victims Radicalize Themselves

Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Anger & Self-Radicalization – When A Relationship Scam Ends Victims Face Many Demons, From Shock To Fear & Horror To Desperation To Anger!

Anger can often be the default state when a scam is discovered, a victim’s world collapses and what they thought was real and certain is proved to be anything but. The desire for certainty in some victims can be overwhelming regardless of what the impact will be on them psychologically.

Many victims will give in to denial as a way of coping with the incredible trauma they experience. While others, more realistic know that something terrible happened to them and they need help to survive it. However, another group trying to cope with their fear transforms their fear into anger, using this as a way to stabilize their world and create certainty where none now exists.

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Ransomware – Ukraine Gets Serious About Combatting Homegrown Cybercrime 2023

Ukraine Gets Serious About Combatting Homegrown Cybercrime

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., and

Dismantlement Of Ransomware Group In Ukraine Amidst Ongoing War – An International Collaboration Success

The Ukraine ransomware gang is behind high-profile attacks that created losses of hundreds of millions of euros

In an unprecedented effort, law enforcement and judicial authorities from seven countries have joined forces with Europol and Eurojust to dismantle and apprehend in Ukraine the key figures behind significant ransomware operations wreaking havoc across the world. The operation comes at a critical time, as the country grapples with the challenges of Russia’s military aggression against its territory.

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Text Scams – New FCC Order Could Substantially Reduce Them 2023

Text Scams – New FCC Order Could Substantially Reduce Them

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Text Scams – The United States Federal Communications Commission Is Going After Them

On November 22, 2023, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted its Second Report and Order and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which outlines new measures to combat illegal text messages (text scams and illegal marketing texts.)

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Synthetic Pornography – A Growing Danger To The World – A SCARS Editorial 2023

Synthetic Pornography – A Growing Danger To The World

A SCARS Editorial

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
Photo Credit: Mark Pohlmann

Synthetic Pornography Is Revolutionizing What People Of Particular Tastes Can Have Now, All Through Generative AI

Synthetic porn, also known as deepfake porn, is a type of manipulated media that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create non-consensual pornography. It typically involves superimposing the face of a non-consenting person onto the body of someone else in a pornographic video, but it can be completely synthetic and generated by AI from nothing but a text description of what is desired.

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Binance & CEO Pleads Guilty Will Pay $4B For Cryptocurrency Money Laundering 2023 [VIDEO]

Binance & CEO Pleads Guilty Will Pay $4B For Cryptocurrency Money Laundering

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  United States Attorney’s Office, Department of Justice

Binance and CEO Plead Guilty to Federal Charges in $4B Resolution In Cryptocurrency Money Laundering Case

Binance Admits It Engaged in Anti-Money Laundering, Unlicensed Money Transmitting, and Sanctions Violations in Largest Corporate Resolution to Include Criminal Charges for an Executive

SCARS Analysis

Binance’s guilty plea in the $4B money laundering case is a significant development with far-reaching implications for the cryptocurrency industry and broader financial regulations. It demonstrates that governments are serious about holding cryptocurrency companies accountable for their role in preventing financial crimes, and it sets a precedent for future enforcement actions.

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Crypto Seizure Breaking News: Major Romance & Pig Butchering Scam Organization Disrupted 2023

Crypto Seizure Breaking News: Major Romance & Pig Butchering Scam Organization Disrupted

•  U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Department of Justice

Cyber Scam Organization Disrupted Through Seizure Of Nearly $9M In Crypto

Government Seizes Crypto For The Victims

The Justice Department announced today the seizure of nearly $9 million worth of Tether, a cryptocurrency pegged to the U.S. dollar. These seized funds were traced to cryptocurrency addresses [wallets] allegedly associated with an organization that exploited over 70 victims through romance scams and cryptocurrency confidence scams, which are widely known as “pig butchering.”

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IoT Toys/Internet Connected Toys – An Ever Growing Danger For Children – Holidays 2023

IoT Toys/Internet Connected Toys – An Ever Growing Danger For Children

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Unseen Dangers of IoT Toys: Navigating the Digital Playground with Caution

In today’s technology-driven world, the allure of Internet of Things (IoT) devices extends far beyond smartphones and smart homes. Even our children’s toys have become interconnected, often equipped with cameras, microphones, and location-tracking capabilities. While these features may seem appealing, they also introduce a realm of potential dangers that parents and guardians must carefully consider.

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Euro Phishing Gang Shut Down Europol & Partners – 2023

Euro Phishing Gang Shut Down By Europol & Partners


Europol And Eurojust Support Czech And Ukrainian Police In Taking Down Multi-Million Euro Voice Phishing Gang

The Czech and Ukrainian police have disrupted, with the support of Europol and Eurojust, a prolific phishing gang believed to have defrauded victims across Europe of tens of millions of euros. In Czechia alone, the damage caused by this criminal group is estimated at over EUR 8 million (CZK 195 000 000).

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Psychological Triggers/Emotional Triggers – What They Are And How They Work – 2023/2024

Psychological Triggers/Emotional Triggers – What They Are And How They Work

SCARS Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

What Are Psychological Triggers or Emotional Triggers?

Why Do They Have So Much Control Over Our Emotions And Mind?

A psychological trigger is a stimulus that elicits or provokes a strong emotional or psychological response.

Psychological triggers can be anything from a sound or smell to a person or place, or something you read, or even a memory. They are usually associated with past traumatic or stressful experiences.

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China Arrests 706 Chinese Scammers Involved In Phone & Internet Scams From Myanmar

China Arrests 706 Chinese Scammers Involved In Phone & Internet Scams From Myanmar

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Chinese Coordinated Efforts Across Various Fronts Have Resulted In A Significant Decrease In Reported Cases of Chinese Scammers In Northern Myanmar*

*Reported cases is not necessarily a reduction in actual numbers of Chinese Scammers operating in Myanmar and elsewhere in Southeast Asia

According to Vice-Minister of Public Security Wang Zhizhong, reported cases of telecom and online fraud have dropped by 24 percent since August, demonstrating progress in the government’s crackdown. Wang made this announcement during a press conference in Beijing, where he shared that from January to the end of September, public security agencies apprehended 387 major leaders and key members of Chinese Scammers involved in phone & internet fruad groups.

Facing a challenging landscape, the Ministry of Public Security has worked closely with law enforcement agencies across the country to gain a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and patterns of Chinese Scammers involved in phone & internet fruad. Specialized teams were created to investigate and address Chinese Scammers involved in phone & internet fruad-related issues, fostering collaboration both within the country and beyond. Wang emphasized the strengthening of multiple measures for the prevention and suppression of such crimes.

The ministry has also engaged in international cooperation by collaborating closely with foreign law enforcement agencies. As part of this effort, Chinese authorities received 4,666 suspects involved in telecom & Internet fraud originating Read More …


Chinese Arrest 417 Phone Scammers In The Philippines

Chinese Arrest 417 Phone Scammers In The Philippines

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Chinese & Philippines Police Arrest 417 Phone Scammers In The Philippines – Shipping 36 Back To China

Part of a Phone Scam Shut Down Campaign that Arrested more than 31,000 criminals

The Chinese Public Security Ministry escorted of 36 suspects who committed cross-border telecommunication network fraud from the Philippines to China, 417 suspects of telecommunication network fraud arrested by the Chinese police and the Philippine police through police law enforcement cooperation have been handed over to our side, including 7 online fugitives.

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Understanding Criminality – What Is Its Essence? 2023

Criminality – What Is Its Essence?

• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Understanding the Essence of Criminality is Very Difficult For Victims!

The essence of criminality involves engaging in actions or behaviors that are prohibited by law and deemed harmful to individuals, communities, or society as a whole.

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Cryptocurrencies – Europol Takes A Major Step Forward

Europol Takes A Major Step Forward

By Europol

Criminal Misuse Of Cryptocurrencies – Shaping An International Response

A Europol co-organized hybrid international conference on the Criminal Misuse Of Cryptocurrencies attended by 1,300 participants has concluded that tackling the criminal use of cryptocurrencies is a race against time. Law enforcement agencies that collaborate in joint task teams and proactively collaborate with the private sector are getting ahead of the criminals. In contrast, countries that do not take the risks seriously are in danger of becoming a haven for crypto-enabled scams, money laundering, and terrorist financing.

Co-organized by Europol and the Basel Institute on Governance, the 7th Global Conference on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies was hosted at Europol’s headquarters.

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Scammers Are The New Boogeymen! 2023

Scammers Are The New Boogeymen!

Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Scammers, Fraudsters, And Con Artists Have Gained A Formidable Reputation As The New-Age Boogeymen, Lurking In The Digital Shadows, Waiting To Pounce On Unsuspecting Victims.

While there’s no denying the existence of scams and their devastating consequences, it’s essential to differentiate between the real threat and irrational fear.

Let’s explore the rise of scammers as the new boogeymen and the implications of this growing fear on society’s ability to effectively combat scams, focusing on online relationship scams, pig butchering investment scams, phone scams, and more.

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Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down 2023

Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions by EUROPOL

Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down By Major International Police Operation Against Cybercriminals

Law enforcement and judicial authorities from eleven countries delivered a major blow to one of the most dangerous ransomware operations of recent years.

What is Ragnar Locker Ransomware

Ragnar Locker Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files and demands a ransom payment in order to decrypt them. The ransomware is typically spread through phishing emails or malicious websites. Once a victim’s computer is infected, Ragnar Locker will encrypt all of their files, making them inaccessible. The ransomware will then display a ransom note demanding payment in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency.

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China Cracks Down On Scammers – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 1207 Scammers In Myanmar

China Cracks Down On Scammers Part 3 – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 1207 Scammers In Myanmar

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

China Public Security Strengthen Cooperation In Police Law Enforcement Along The Southwest Border With Myanmar (Burma) – This Time Capture 1207 Suspects

Police in China and Myanmar detain an additional 1207 in a cyber scam crackdown in a joint operation that brings down 11 criminal call center bases in northern Myanmar in one of the biggest stings of cybercrime gangs in this Southeast Asian country. It is the latest in Beijing’s efforts to root out fraudsters who frequently target Chinese nationals

According to The Jamestown Foundation

Left Open Quote - on ScamsNOW.comOn September 6, the United Wa State Party, the political arm of one of the most powerful ethnic resistance armies in Myanmar, handed over to China 1,207 Chinese online scammers for extradition back to China (Eleven Media Group, September 9; Global Times, September 9).

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China Cracks Down On Scammers – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 269 Scammers In Myanmar

China Cracks Down On Scammers Part 2 – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 269 Scammers In Myanmar

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

China Public Security Strengthen Cooperation In Police Law Enforcement Along The Southwest Border With Myanmar (Burma)

Police in China and Myanmar detain 269 in cyber scam crackdown in a joint operation that brings down 11 criminal call center bases in northern Myanmar in one of the biggest stings of cybercrime gangs in this Southeast Asian country. It is the latest in Beijing’s efforts to root out fraudsters who frequently target Chinese nationals

According to the China Ministry of Public Security – Translated from Chinese

Left Open Quote - on ScamsNOW.comChina severely cracked down on telecommunications network fraud crimes involving China in northern Myanmar in accordance with the law, and major results have been achieved. They successfully destroyed 11 telecommunications network fraud centers and arrested 269 criminal suspects.

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A Beginner’s Guide to the Dark Web for Investigators

A Beginner’s Guide to the Dark Web for Investigators

By Oxana Korzun, CFE, Fraud Expert / Investigations and Risk Management – San Francisco, California

A Short Instruction On How To Find Information On The Dark Web For OSINT Purposes

Many times, an investigation would lead me to the Dark Web. Sometimes it’s to dive into forums and gather intelligence, and other times it would be to check illegal goods markets selling counterfeit products of my clients.

Every time I mention that I use the Dark Web, people imagine a really scary place with criminals selling their goods right and left and that people can suffer dire consequences even for trying to open websites there.

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Federal Trade Commission Partners with Latin America To Combat Fraud

Federal Trade Commission Partners with Latin American Countries to Combat Fraud

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., and the Federal Trade Commission

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission Enters Into A Multilateral Agreement Enhances Consumer Protection Cooperation With Chile, Colombia, Mexico, And Peru

The Federal Trade Commission signed a cooperation agreement with the consumer protection authorities of the four Latin American countries —Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru – to combat fraud both inside and outside the United States.

The Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) promotes cooperation across Latin America, including information-sharing to further investigations and policy development, as well as other types of assistance on cross-border enforcement matters.

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