Protecting Yourself After the AT&T Data Breach – 2024

Protecting Yourself After the AT&T Data Breach

Affecting Nearly Every AT&T Customer!

Primary Category: Cybersecurity News

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

In 2024, AT&T experienced a significant data breach that affected approximately 73 million customers, exposing sensitive information like names, addresses, and Social Security Numbers.

Initially revealed in 2021 and confirmed in March 2024, the breach led to widespread concern. Customers should immediately update passwords, enable two-factor authentication, monitor financial accounts, check credit reports, use identity theft protection, be wary of phishing attempts, freeze credit, update device security, educate themselves on cyber threats, and stay informed on legal recourse.

Taking these steps can help mitigate risks and protect personal information.

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