The Life Story Project – A New View of Our Lives – A Non-Linear View – A TED Talk by Bruce Feiler – 2024

The Life Story Project – A New View of Our Lives – A Non-Linear View

A TED Talk

Primary Category: Recovery Psychology

•  Bruce Feiler, Writer, TV host, a leading voice on family, work, transitions, and meaning. His book, Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age, describes his journey across America, collecting hundreds of life stories, exploring how we can navigate life’s growing number of with skill and purpose.

The Life Story Project – A New View of Our Lives – A Non-Linear View

How do you navigate life’s growing number of transitions with meaning, purpose and skill? Writer Bruce Feiler offers a powerful way to handle uncertain, painful and confusing times — or “lifequakes”, as he calls them. Learn how to equip yourself with the essential tools and mindset to ride out (and rewrite) the toughest chapters of your life story, and turn unease and upheaval into growth and renewal.

Learn more here: The Deck of Disruptors – by Bruce Feiler (

TED Talk: Bruce Feiler: The secret to mastering life’s biggest transitions | TED Talk

TED Talk Video Transcript

I used to have a saying that phone calls don’t change your life. 
Until one day I got a phone call that did. 
It was from my mother. 
“Your father is trying to kill himself.” 
He’s what? 
My dad was a son of the American South, 
a Navy veteran and civic leader, 
he was never depressed a minute. 
Until he got Parkinson’s. 
Six times in 12 weeks, 
my dad attempted to end his life.