Cultural Cognition

Cultural Cognition And Its Impact On Scam Victims After The Scam – Part 2 – 2024

Cultural Cognition And Its Impact On Scam Victims After the Scam

Part 2

Understanding the Effects that Culture Can Have on Cognition After Scam Victimization

Primary Category: Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Cultural cognition theory offers crucial insights into how individuals’ cultural values and social identities shape their responses after falling victim to scams. These cultural factors influence how victims react to the discovery of the scam, their willingness to report it, and their ability to recover.

Victims from cultures that emphasize personal responsibility may internalize blame, leading to feelings of shame and reluctance to seek help, while those from collectivist cultures might be concerned about how their victimization reflects on their community, leading to underreporting. The stigma associated with being scammed can further deter victims from discussing their experiences or seeking assistance.

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Cultural Cognition And Its Impact On Scam Victims And Scams – Part 1 – 2024

Cultural Cognition And Its Impact On Scam Victims And Scams

Part 1

Understanding the Effects that Culture Can Have on Cognition Before and During Scam Victimization

Primary Category: Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Cultural cognition theory is a framework that explores how individuals’ cultural values and social backgrounds shape their perceptions of risk, facts, and policy preferences. This theory, developed by scholars such as Dan Kahan and Donald Braman, suggests that people process information in ways that reinforce their pre-existing beliefs, which are deeply influenced by their cultural affiliations.

These cultural worldviews typically fall along dimensions such as hierarchy versus egalitarianism and individualism versus communitarianism. For example, people with hierarchical and individualistic worldviews might downplay environmental risks to avoid supporting regulations that could threaten social structures or individual freedoms, while those with egalitarian and communitarian values may emphasize such risks due to their belief in collective responsibility.

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