INTERPOL Operation First Light With 3,950 Arrests – 2024

INTERPOL Operation First Light With 3,950 Arrests

USD 257 million in assets seized in Operation First Light, with 3,950 arrests and the identification of 14,643 suspects spanning 61 countries.

Primary Category: Crimes and Criminals

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Operation First Light 2024, a global police initiative spanning 61 countries, has struck a significant blow to online scam networks by freezing 6,745 bank accounts and seizing assets worth USD $257 million.

The operation, which targeted various scams including phishing, investment fraud, and romance scams, resulted in 3,950 arrests and the identification of 14,643 additional suspects. Authorities intercepted USD $135 million in regular currency and USD $2 million in cryptocurrency, alongside other high-value assets.

The operation, coordinated by INTERPOL and funded by China’s Ministry of Public Security, underscores the importance of international cooperation in combating transnational organized crime and protecting victims worldwide.

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