Cambodia’s Struggle Against Scam Slavery Scams: A Year After Crackdown, Scams Persist – 2024

Cambodia’s Struggle Against Scam Slavery Scams: A Year After Crackdown, Scams Persist

Scam Slavery Call Centers in Cambodia Still Thriving!

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  VOA

About This Article

Despite Cambodia’s government crackdown on cyber-slavery scams over a year ago, recent reports from anti-human-trafficking groups suggest that such scams are still thriving, challenging the official narrative of significant progress in addressing human trafficking in Cambodia.

Despite the government’s efforts to curb human trafficking by raiding scam compounds and making arrests and deportations, NGOs and international observers expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of these measures. Many scams reportedly relocated temporarily during the crackdown and have since resumed operations in Cambodia, making it difficult for authorities to identify and rescue victims.

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Southeast Asia Scam Gangs – SCARS Editorial – 2024

Southeast Asia Scam Gangs

A SCARS Editorial

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The rise of Southeast Asian Scam Gangs presents a global threat, defrauding countless victims and perpetuating criminal activities. While governments like the U.K. and China are taking action, U.S. attention remains diverted.

However, Washington’s involvement is crucial. These transnational criminal organizations wield substantial economic power, necessitating enhanced law enforcement support.

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UNODC Report on Casinos and Cryptocurrency Scams and Money Laundering 2024

UNODC Reports on Casinos and Cryptocurrency Scams and Money Laundering

Understanding Organized Crime

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  UNODC – United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime

Article Abstract

A newly released United Nations UNODC report highlights the significant role played by casinos, junkets, and cryptocurrencies in facilitating underground banking, money laundering, and transnational organized crime in East and Southeast Asia.

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