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SCARS 5 Coping Techniques For Traumatized Scam Victims – 2023

SCARS 5 Coping Techniques For Traumatized Scam Victims

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

SCARS 5 Coping Techniques for Traumatized Scam Victims – Navigating the Aftermath

Being scammed can be a deeply unsettling experience, leaving you feeling violated, confused, and unsure of where to turn. The emotional impact can be profound, leading to anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While the path to healing isn’t always linear, there are effective coping techniques you can embrace to navigate the aftermath and rebuild your sense of well-being.

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Fibromyalgia & Psychological Trauma Link – Medical Health Alert – 2023

Fibromyalgia & Psychological Trauma Link – Medical Health Alert

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Connection Between Psychological Trauma And Fibromyalgia Is A Complex

The connection between psychological trauma and fibromyalgia is a complex and multifaceted one, with growing research suggesting a significant link between the two!

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Trauma Recollection/Traumatic Flashbacks And Scam Victim PTSD – Recovery Psychology – 2023

Trauma Recollection/Traumatic Flashbacks

Understanding Scam Victim Trauma Recollection, Flashbacks, & Memories

Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Trauma Recollection/Traumatic Flashbacks Or Memories And The Effects That It Has On Scam Victims – PTSD And Recovery Psychology

Most Scam Victims Suffer from some form of Trauma, but for some, this can be the Retriggering of the Original Trauma Over and Over!

While flashbacks are a well-known symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), it’s not the only way trauma can manifest itself – they can also be Trauma Recollection.

Scam victims can certainly re-experience their trauma simply by remembering the crime without meeting the full criteria for PTSD.

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Irish Criminal Assets Bureau – Deny And Deprive Criminals Of Assets Acquired Through Criminal Conduct – 2023

Irish Criminal Assets Bureau – Deny And Deprive Criminals Of Assets Acquired Through Criminal Conduct

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Irish Criminal Assets Bureau – Establishing A Perfect Model To Disrupt Transnational Scammers & Cybercriminals Worldwide

Irish Criminal Assets Bureau: Seize • Tax • Recover

Under the Proceeds of Crime Act, 1996 to 2016 the Criminal Assets Bureau can freeze and seize assets which it shows to the Irish High Court are the proceeds of criminal conduct. This is done on the civil standard of proof which is known internationally as non-Conviction Based Forfeiture. Because Ireland is a part of the European Union, this gives them certain authority across Europe as well.

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The Forever Con Artist – A World History Of Deception – An Editorial About Scammers/Fraudsters – 2023

The Forever Con Artist – A World History Of Deception

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Forever Con Artist – A Journey Through Time

Unveiling the History of Con Men and Women – Understanding That Scams Have Always Been With Us!

The Forever Con Artist has always been something that interested me as an Anthropologist, Archaeologist, and Historian. While working on archeological projects in Mesoamerica and South America, I have always been fascinated by each culture’s tricksters and how ubiquitous they always were. I have often wondered to what extend scammers or fraudsters or tricksters were in the ancient world, because they are not a new phenomenon. Scams, fraud, and cons have always been with us – even animals are capable of pulling them off.

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Japanese Lawyer Arrested For Money Recovery Fraud – 2023

Japanese Lawyer Arrested For Collaborating With Money Recovery Scammers

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  NPO Charms Team

‘International Romance Fraud Victim Relief’ – A Japanese Lawyer Was Arrested For Participation In Money Recovery Fraud Related To Romance Scams

An 82-year-old Japanese lawyer was arrested in Tokyo by the Osaka Prefectural Police for lending his lawyer’s name and credentials to a defendant charged with money recovery fraud, according to interviews with people involved in the investigation.

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EUROPOL Money Mule Action 2023 – Over 10,000 Identified

EUROPOL Money Mule Action 2023 – Over 10,000 Identified

•  SCARS Editorial Team –  Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions EUROPOL

For Money Mules, Their Paper Trail Ends In Jail Time For 1,013 Money Mules As A Result Of The 2023 Europol Actions Against Money Mules

2,822 banks and financial institutions join forces with law enforcement agencies against Money Mules in a global effort against money laundering!

Law enforcement agencies from 26 countries, in collaboration with Europol, Eurojust, INTERPOL, and several private industry partners, have once again joined forces to combat a key facilitator of money laundering: money mules and their recruiters. In June, October, and November 2023, several operational phases identified 10,759 money mules and 474 recruiters, leading to the arrest of 1,013 individuals worldwide.

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Anger & Self-Radicalization – Recovery Psychology 2023

Anger & Self-Radicalization

How Scam Victims Radicalize Themselves

Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Anger & Self-Radicalization – When A Relationship Scam Ends Victims Face Many Demons, From Shock To Fear & Horror To Desperation To Anger!

Anger can often be the default state when a scam is discovered, a victim’s world collapses and what they thought was real and certain is proved to be anything but. The desire for certainty in some victims can be overwhelming regardless of what the impact will be on them psychologically.

Many victims will give in to denial as a way of coping with the incredible trauma they experience. While others, more realistic know that something terrible happened to them and they need help to survive it. However, another group trying to cope with their fear transforms their fear into anger, using this as a way to stabilize their world and create certainty where none now exists.

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Telegram Criminals | Brett Johnson’s Criminal Thoughts EP 1

Telegram Criminals | Brett Johnson’s Criminal Thoughts EP 1

Published November 28, 2023

•  Brett Johnson, Former Cybercriminal Turned Good Guy, SCARS Advisor

Brett Johnson’s new podcast/video show about cybercriminals and fraudsters on Telegram

Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, Fraud, and Identity Theft Expert. Keynote Speaker, Consultant, Writer, Podcast Personality. Former USA Most Wanted Cybercriminal, Identity Thief, Hacker, and Original Internet Godfather

Brett is a SCARS Advisor and past career cybercriminals who turned his life around!

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Ransomware – Ukraine Gets Serious About Combatting Homegrown Cybercrime 2023

Ukraine Gets Serious About Combatting Homegrown Cybercrime

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., and

Dismantlement Of Ransomware Group In Ukraine Amidst Ongoing War – An International Collaboration Success

The Ukraine ransomware gang is behind high-profile attacks that created losses of hundreds of millions of euros

In an unprecedented effort, law enforcement and judicial authorities from seven countries have joined forces with Europol and Eurojust to dismantle and apprehend in Ukraine the key figures behind significant ransomware operations wreaking havoc across the world. The operation comes at a critical time, as the country grapples with the challenges of Russia’s military aggression against its territory.

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Scam Victim Empathy – How It Is Lost And How It Comes Back In Time – Recovery Psychology 2023

Scam Victim Empathy

How It Is Lost And How It Comes Back In Time

Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Scam victims often lose their empathy immediately following the end of a scam due to trauma, but it does return over time. Empathy, the ability to understand and share others’ emotions, is crucial for social interactions and relationships. It involves cognitive empathy (understanding others’ mental states) and affective empathy (sharing others’ emotions).

After a scam, the hyperactivation of the amygdala, a brain region involved in processing emotions, impairs empathy by disrupting emotional processing, perspective-taking, and emotional regulation. This hyperactivity can lead to heightened emotional reactivity and difficulty in understanding others’ emotions.

Over time, and with support from therapy and recovery groups, scam victims can gradually regain their empathy as they recover from trauma. Addressing these issues is essential for helping victims rebuild their emotional connections and social interactions.

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Fear Of Contagion: Why Scam Victims Are Harshly Judged And Blamed 2023

Fear Of Contagion: Why Scam Victims Are Harshly Judged And Blamed

Helping Both Victims and Families or Friends to Better Understand

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Fear Of Contagion – The Hidden Fear of Crime Victims: How Nonvictims Engage In Denial, Projection, And Extreme Judgmentalism Against Scam Victims

After a scam, victims experience a unique reaction based in the fear of contamination!

This article is intended to help scam victims to better understand this ‘Fear of Contagion’ and why they are treated negatively, and also perhaps to help their family and friends to understand why they are treated differently after the crime occurs.

In the aftermath of a crime, victims often face a barrage of questions and judgments. Their experiences are scrutinized, their choices dissected, and their actions evaluated. Amidst this whirlwind of scrutiny, a subtle yet pervasive sentiment emerges as the fear of contagion.

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Synthetic Pornography – A Growing Danger To The World – A SCARS Editorial 2023

Synthetic Pornography – A Growing Danger To The World

A SCARS Editorial

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
Photo Credit: Mark Pohlmann

Synthetic Pornography Is Revolutionizing What People Of Particular Tastes Can Have Now, All Through Generative AI

Synthetic porn, also known as deepfake porn, is a type of manipulated media that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create non-consensual pornography. It typically involves superimposing the face of a non-consenting person onto the body of someone else in a pornographic video, but it can be completely synthetic and generated by AI from nothing but a text description of what is desired.

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Binance & CEO Pleads Guilty Will Pay $4B For Cryptocurrency Money Laundering 2023 [VIDEO]

Binance & CEO Pleads Guilty Will Pay $4B For Cryptocurrency Money Laundering

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  United States Attorney’s Office, Department of Justice

Binance and CEO Plead Guilty to Federal Charges in $4B Resolution In Cryptocurrency Money Laundering Case

Binance Admits It Engaged in Anti-Money Laundering, Unlicensed Money Transmitting, and Sanctions Violations in Largest Corporate Resolution to Include Criminal Charges for an Executive

SCARS Analysis

Binance’s guilty plea in the $4B money laundering case is a significant development with far-reaching implications for the cryptocurrency industry and broader financial regulations. It demonstrates that governments are serious about holding cryptocurrency companies accountable for their role in preventing financial crimes, and it sets a precedent for future enforcement actions.

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Pride – A Dual Edged Sword For Scam Victims 2023

Pride – A Dual-Edged Sword For Scam Victims

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Pride And Shame Can Be Considered Two Sides Of The Same Coin For Scam Victims

Individuals who had great pride in their achievements, success, stability, and even wealth before a scam may experience significant shame and self-doubt when they are no longer able to maintain the same levels after being scammed.

Scam victims’ pride in themselves can quickly turn into shame, but that pride does not simply go away, it can linger and become a barrier to effective recovery – becoming a form of denial.

This can be a complex and challenging experience, but there are ways to cope with these emotions and move forward.

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Selective Amnesia and Scam Victim Psychological Trauma 2023

Selective Amnesia and Scam Victim Psychological Trauma 2023

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Selective Amnesia Can Be Caused By Emotional or Psychological Trauma!

Selective amnesia is a type of memory loss where specific events or experiences are forgotten while others are retained. This type of amnesia is often a coping mechanism to protect the individual from the overwhelming emotional distress associated with the traumatic event that can affect scam victims.

How Many Crime or Scam Victims Experience Selective Amnesia

The exact percentage of people who experience emotional or psychological trauma and subsequently develop selective amnesia is challenging due to the complexities of trauma and memory. However, studies suggest that a significant portion of individuals who experience trauma may exhibit some form of memory loss, with estimates ranging from 10% to 25%.

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Crypto Seizure Breaking News: Major Romance & Pig Butchering Scam Organization Disrupted 2023

Crypto Seizure Breaking News: Major Romance & Pig Butchering Scam Organization Disrupted

•  U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Department of Justice

Cyber Scam Organization Disrupted Through Seizure Of Nearly $9M In Crypto

Government Seizes Crypto For The Victims

The Justice Department announced today the seizure of nearly $9 million worth of Tether, a cryptocurrency pegged to the U.S. dollar. These seized funds were traced to cryptocurrency addresses [wallets] allegedly associated with an organization that exploited over 70 victims through romance scams and cryptocurrency confidence scams, which are widely known as “pig butchering.”

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Toxic Self-Narratives That Feeds Depression in Scam Victims 2023

Toxic Self-Narratives That Feed Depression in Scam Victims

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Toxic self-narratives wield profound influence over scam victims, exacerbating emotional distress and impeding recovery. These damaging beliefs, like “I was gullible” or “I can’t trust my judgment,” perpetuate feelings of worthlessness and vulnerability.

Recognizing these narratives is essential, as victims often exhibit negative self-talk and avoidance behaviors. The impact is extensive, deepening depression and hindering decision-making abilities. However, by challenging these narratives and seeking support through therapy or counseling, victims can weaken their hold.

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IoT Toys/Internet Connected Toys – An Ever Growing Danger For Children – Holidays 2023

IoT Toys/Internet Connected Toys – An Ever Growing Danger For Children

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Unseen Dangers of IoT Toys: Navigating the Digital Playground with Caution

In today’s technology-driven world, the allure of Internet of Things (IoT) devices extends far beyond smartphones and smart homes. Even our children’s toys have become interconnected, often equipped with cameras, microphones, and location-tracking capabilities. While these features may seem appealing, they also introduce a realm of potential dangers that parents and guardians must carefully consider.

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Psychological Triggers/Emotional Triggers – What They Are And How They Work – 2023/2024

Psychological Triggers/Emotional Triggers – What They Are And How They Work

SCARS Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

What Are Psychological Triggers or Emotional Triggers?

Why Do They Have So Much Control Over Our Emotions And Mind?

A psychological trigger is a stimulus that elicits or provokes a strong emotional or psychological response.

Psychological triggers can be anything from a sound or smell to a person or place, or something you read, or even a memory. They are usually associated with past traumatic or stressful experiences.

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PTSD And Complex PTSD – The Difference Between Them – 2023

PTSD And Complex PTSD – The Difference Between Them

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Understanding the Scam Victim’s Challenges Navigating the Differences Between PTSD and Complex PTSD

Scam victims face intricate nuances in their trauma, by shedding light on the contrasting impacts of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) we hope to educate victims on their differences. By exploring these differences, victims can gain a deeper understanding of the emotional struggles they may face and how these distinct forms of trauma manifest.

Remember, this is not a replacement for professional counseling or therapy, we only hope to offer valuable insights for those navigating the path to recovery.

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Chinese Arrest 417 Phone Scammers In The Philippines

Chinese Arrest 417 Phone Scammers In The Philippines

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Chinese & Philippines Police Arrest 417 Phone Scammers In The Philippines – Shipping 36 Back To China

Part of a Phone Scam Shut Down Campaign that Arrested more than 31,000 criminals

The Chinese Public Security Ministry escorted of 36 suspects who committed cross-border telecommunication network fraud from the Philippines to China, 417 suspects of telecommunication network fraud arrested by the Chinese police and the Philippine police through police law enforcement cooperation have been handed over to our side, including 7 online fugitives.

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PTSD and Complex Grief/Complicated Grief – What Are The Differences? 2023

PTSD and Complex Grief – What Are The Differences?

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

PTSD and Complex Grief/Complicated Grief: The Two Main Disorders That Often Confuse Scam Survivors And That Affect Scam Victims (Not Including Anxiety Or Depression)

These two main disorders are PTSD and Complex Grief. Scam victims can easily develop one or the other. It is often the case that victims tend to gravitate towards the label PTSD because it is better known, but may not be the right term for what they are experiencing.

This is why it is so important to have a professional therapist to help make these diagnoses.

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Online Dating Safety Act – New Law Going Through The U.S. Congress 2023

Online Dating Safety Act

New Law Going Through The U.S. Congress

• SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
• Portions FOX News

Bipartisan Online Dating Safety Act Will Help Reduce Dating App Scams That Cost Victims Over $1 Billion A Year

The bill is being led by Republican Rep. Valadao and Democratic Rep. Pettersen

House lawmakers are eyeing legislation to make dating app users more aware of potential scammers who tricked victims out of more than $1 billion in a single year.

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Mental Compartmentalization And Recovery For Scam Victims 2023

Mental Compartmentalization And Recovery For Scam Victims

• Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Mental Compartmentalization Hinders Recovery For Emotional Or Psychological Trauma

Mental compartmentalization is something we all do, however, when it is done by scam victims to avoid painful emotions or to acknowledge trauma, it prevents healing and it can have significant negative effects. It can freeze recovery and prevent the processing of emotions so necessary for healing.

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Understanding Criminality – What Is Its Essence? 2023

Criminality – What Is Its Essence?

• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Understanding the Essence of Criminality is Very Difficult For Victims!

The essence of criminality involves engaging in actions or behaviors that are prohibited by law and deemed harmful to individuals, communities, or society as a whole.

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Cryptocurrencies – Europol Takes A Major Step Forward

Europol Takes A Major Step Forward

By Europol

Criminal Misuse Of Cryptocurrencies – Shaping An International Response

A Europol co-organized hybrid international conference on the Criminal Misuse Of Cryptocurrencies attended by 1,300 participants has concluded that tackling the criminal use of cryptocurrencies is a race against time. Law enforcement agencies that collaborate in joint task teams and proactively collaborate with the private sector are getting ahead of the criminals. In contrast, countries that do not take the risks seriously are in danger of becoming a haven for crypto-enabled scams, money laundering, and terrorist financing.

Co-organized by Europol and the Basel Institute on Governance, the 7th Global Conference on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies was hosted at Europol’s headquarters.

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Repeat Nigerian Scammer Adedayo Ilori Gets 25 Years In U.S. Prison

Repeat Nigerian Scammer Adedayo Ilori Gets 25 Years In U.S. Prison

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., Portions U.S. Department of Justice

Repeat Nigerian Scammer Goes To Prison

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ADEDAYO Adedayo Ilori was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil to 25 years in prison for his participation in a sophisticated identity theft and COVID-19 loan fraud scheme.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Even while on bail for federal fraud offenses, Adedayo Ilori could not help but continue his repeated fraud and identity theft crimes. He saw the hardships and disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic and the federal government’s efforts to address those in need as an opportunity for fraud. He lined his own pockets and recklessly used the identities of dozens of victims. Today’s sentence sends a message to Ilori and others engaged in similar crimes that such conduct, especially when it is repeated, will be severely punished.”

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Scammers Are The New Boogeymen! 2023

Scammers Are The New Boogeymen!

Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Scammers, Fraudsters, And Con Artists Have Gained A Formidable Reputation As The New-Age Boogeymen, Lurking In The Digital Shadows, Waiting To Pounce On Unsuspecting Victims.

While there’s no denying the existence of scams and their devastating consequences, it’s essential to differentiate between the real threat and irrational fear.

Let’s explore the rise of scammers as the new boogeymen and the implications of this growing fear on society’s ability to effectively combat scams, focusing on online relationship scams, pig butchering investment scams, phone scams, and more.

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Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down 2023

Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions by EUROPOL

Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down By Major International Police Operation Against Cybercriminals

Law enforcement and judicial authorities from eleven countries delivered a major blow to one of the most dangerous ransomware operations of recent years.

What is Ragnar Locker Ransomware

Ragnar Locker Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files and demands a ransom payment in order to decrypt them. The ransomware is typically spread through phishing emails or malicious websites. Once a victim’s computer is infected, Ragnar Locker will encrypt all of their files, making them inaccessible. The ransomware will then display a ransom note demanding payment in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency.

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Filling The Victim Void After The Fake Relationship Is Gone 2023

Filling The Victim Void After The Fake Relationship Is Gone

• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
• Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

How To Fill The Victim Void In Your Life After A Romance Scam Ends

When a romance scam ends, it can leave a huge void in the victim’s life. The victim may have spent a lot of time and invested a lot of emotion into the relationship, and they may feel betrayed and heartbroken. It is important to remember that you are not alone, and there are things you can do to heal and move on.

Romance scams, with their web of deceit and emotional manipulation, leave a profound impact on their victims. Beyond the financial losses, victims often face the daunting task of filling the emotional void created by the abrupt ending of what they believed was a genuine, loving relationship. The challenges faced by romance scam victims and offer insights into how they can begin to heal, rebuild their lives, and find authentic connections.

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Secrets Can Be Deadly For Scam Victims – Scam Victim Recovery Psychology

Secrets Can Be Deadly For Scam Victims – Scam Victim Recovery Psychology

• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
• Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Unmasking the Burden of Secrecy: How Keeping Secrets Deepens the Trauma for Scam Victims

The experience of falling victim to a scam can be profoundly traumatic. Scam victims often grapple with a wide range of emotions, from anger and humiliation to betrayal and loss. Amidst this turmoil, many victims also carry an additional, heavy burden—the burden of keeping their victimhood a secret. This article explores the damaging impact that keeping secrets can have on people, especially those struggling to recover from the trauma of a scam.

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Scam Slavery Comes To Peru – 43 Malaysians Freed From Scam Center

Scam Slavery Comes To Peru – 43 Malaysians Freed From Scam Center

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., Portions by Associated Press

Peru Has Become A Hub For Scam Slavery In Recent Years, With Criminals Using Increasingly Sophisticated Methods To Lure Victims Into Their Traps

44 Asian migrants (43 Malaysians) were held captive as scam slaves by the Taiwanese criminal organization Red Dragon, who were used to extort money from victims abroad via telephone calls from Lima,

This type of scammers in Peru and Southeast Asia often target vulnerable people, such as those who are unemployed or have financial difficulties in Asia and Latin America.

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Hamas & Cybercrime – An Overview

Hamas & Cybercrime – An Overview

By SCARS Editorial Team/SCARS Analytics Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Terrorist Organization Hamas Is Massively Involved In Cybercrime & Scams – To Fund Their Activities And To Disrupt Their Enemies!

Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamist militant and political organization that has a social service wing, Dawah that is massively involved in cybercrime. It has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, Canada, Japan, and Israel.

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Cybersecurity and Cybersafety for Charitable Organizations 2023

Cybersecurity and Cybersafety for Charitable Organizations

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Importance of Cybersecurity and Cybersafety for Charitable Organizations

Charitable organizations are increasingly at risk of cyberattacks. These attacks can have a devastating impact on charities, both financially and reputationally. In some cases, cyberattacks can even force charities to close their doors.

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Do Scam Victims Become Cynics After Their Scam Experience? 2023

Do Scam Victims Become Cynics After Their Scam Experience?

• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
• Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Experiencing A Major Scam Firsthand Changes Scam Victim’s World Views Profoundly!

What is Cynicism?

Cynicism is a general distrust of human sincerity and motives. It is the belief that people are generally motivated by self-interest and that there is no such thing as altruism. Cynics may believe that people are only kind or helpful because they expect something in return.

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China Cracks Down On Scammers – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 1207 Scammers In Myanmar

China Cracks Down On Scammers Part 3 – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 1207 Scammers In Myanmar

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

China Public Security Strengthen Cooperation In Police Law Enforcement Along The Southwest Border With Myanmar (Burma) – This Time Capture 1207 Suspects

Police in China and Myanmar detain an additional 1207 in a cyber scam crackdown in a joint operation that brings down 11 criminal call center bases in northern Myanmar in one of the biggest stings of cybercrime gangs in this Southeast Asian country. It is the latest in Beijing’s efforts to root out fraudsters who frequently target Chinese nationals

According to The Jamestown Foundation

Left Open Quote - on ScamsNOW.comOn September 6, the United Wa State Party, the political arm of one of the most powerful ethnic resistance armies in Myanmar, handed over to China 1,207 Chinese online scammers for extradition back to China (Eleven Media Group, September 9; Global Times, September 9).

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China Cracks Down On Scammers – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 269 Scammers In Myanmar

China Cracks Down On Scammers Part 2 – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 269 Scammers In Myanmar

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

China Public Security Strengthen Cooperation In Police Law Enforcement Along The Southwest Border With Myanmar (Burma)

Police in China and Myanmar detain 269 in cyber scam crackdown in a joint operation that brings down 11 criminal call center bases in northern Myanmar in one of the biggest stings of cybercrime gangs in this Southeast Asian country. It is the latest in Beijing’s efforts to root out fraudsters who frequently target Chinese nationals

According to the China Ministry of Public Security – Translated from Chinese

Left Open Quote - on ScamsNOW.comChina severely cracked down on telecommunications network fraud crimes involving China in northern Myanmar in accordance with the law, and major results have been achieved. They successfully destroyed 11 telecommunications network fraud centers and arrested 269 criminal suspects.

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A Beginner’s Guide to the Dark Web for Investigators

A Beginner’s Guide to the Dark Web for Investigators

By Oxana Korzun, CFE, Fraud Expert / Investigations and Risk Management – San Francisco, California

A Short Instruction On How To Find Information On The Dark Web For OSINT Purposes

Many times, an investigation would lead me to the Dark Web. Sometimes it’s to dive into forums and gather intelligence, and other times it would be to check illegal goods markets selling counterfeit products of my clients.

Every time I mention that I use the Dark Web, people imagine a really scary place with criminals selling their goods right and left and that people can suffer dire consequences even for trying to open websites there.

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Federal Trade Commission Partners with Latin America To Combat Fraud

Federal Trade Commission Partners with Latin American Countries to Combat Fraud

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., and the Federal Trade Commission

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission Enters Into A Multilateral Agreement Enhances Consumer Protection Cooperation With Chile, Colombia, Mexico, And Peru

The Federal Trade Commission signed a cooperation agreement with the consumer protection authorities of the four Latin American countries —Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru – to combat fraud both inside and outside the United States.

The Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MMOU) promotes cooperation across Latin America, including information-sharing to further investigations and policy development, as well as other types of assistance on cross-border enforcement matters.

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