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Shifting Baseline Syndrome (SBS) And Scam Awareness

Shifting Baseline Syndrome (SBS) And Scam Awareness

• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
• Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

A Question Often Asked Is Why Doesn’t Scam Awareness Training And Information Reduce Victimization? The Answer May Just Be Shifting Baseline Syndrome!

Humans tend to prioritize risks based on immediate threats, and one of the ways we identify immediate threats is by rapid changes in our environment, such as new lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) in our vicinity for example. But Shifting Baseline Syndrome biases our view to diminish that awareness of the risk changes.

What is Shifting Baseline Syndrome?

Shifting baseline syndrome (SBS) is a gradual change in the accepted norms for the condition of the natural environment due to a lack of experience, memory, and/or knowledge of its past condition. In other words, as each generation grows up, they accept the current state of the environment as normal, even if it is actually degraded or improved from its previous state.

Of course, our natural environment can be the physical world or our digital one. It can be inside a workplace, our home, our community, our nation, or on the Internet. It can be any environment within which we live, work, or exist!

SBS can be seen in a variety of environmental contexts, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. For example, people who Read More …


EUROPOL Report: Money-Laundering Criminals Are Adapting To New Technology Faster Than Authorities Can Keep Up

EUROPOL Report: Money-Laundering Criminals Are Adapting To New Technology Faster Than Authorities Can Keep Up

By SCARS Editorial Team Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions Europol

Money-Laundering Criminals Are Using New Technology Faster Than Authorities Can Keep Up

Criminals Are Washing Their Money Faster Than Authorities Can Track Them Down, According To A New Europol Report

The report found that 70% of criminal enterprises in Europe are using money laundering techniques to hide their wealth and assets. These criminals are mixing illicit finances with seemingly legal businesses and exploiting new technology to grow their operations and launder money faster than authorities can keep up.

In an increasingly interconnected world driven by trade and technology, criminals are leveraging modern advancements to maximize their profits.

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Romance Scam/Fraud Can Be Local Not Just Online

Romance Scam/Fraud Can Be Local Not Just Online

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Romance Scams Are Not Always About Money!

The very first known West African romance scam involved government intelligence instead of money!

In 1985, CIA stenographer Sharon Scranage was convicted of espionage and sentenced to five years in prison for providing sensitive CIA information to Michael Soussoudis, her Ghanaian lover and a member of the Ghanaian intelligence service.

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FTC Takes Action Against Unsolicited Communications

FTC Takes Action Against Unsolicited Communications

SCARS Editorial Team Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.; and the
United States Federal Trade Commission

FTC Joins FCC in Renewing Memorandum of Understanding to Promote Cross-Border Law Enforcement Efforts to Combat Spam, Scams, and Illegal Telemarketing

Agencies are partnering with the Unsolicited Communications Enforcement Network

The Federal Trade Commission has joined the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in signing a renewed memorandum of understanding (MOU) between public authorities who are members of the Unsolicited Communications Enforcement Network (UCENet). The MOU aims to promote cross-border collaboration to combat unsolicited communications, including email and text spam, scams, and illegal telemarketing.

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Contractualism and Supporting the Victims of Online Crime


By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Civilization Only Exists Because Of The Commitments That Bind Us All Together – This Is The Foundation Of Contractualism!

Who cares about Contractualism philosophy after you have been scammed? Does it help you recover or get your money back?

Actually, it does, it is the foundation of how we live and work together! That is what Contractualism is all about and why understanding it is so very important!

Most of you reading this have never studied moral philosophy, yet moral philosophy is the foundation of everything we do as a society. As the victims of crime, understanding that there are those who violate these moral philosophies makes it even more important for you to understand it as we all work together to hold it all together!

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University of Phoenix Scam

University of Phoenix Scam

By United States Federal Trade Commission & SCARS Editorial Team

University of Phoenix – FTC Action Leads U.S. Dept. of Education to Forgive Nearly $37 Million in Loans for Students Deceived by University of Phoenix

FTC charged that the for-profit University of Phoenix falsely touted relationships and job opportunities with top companies

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China Cracks Down On Scammers – Chinese & Indonesia Police Arrests 88 Sextortion Scammers In Indonesia

China Cracks Down On Scammers – Chinese & Indonesia Police Arrests 88 Sextortion Scammers In Indonesia

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Chinese Police And The Indonesian Police Carry Out International Law Enforcement Cooperation Successfully Arresting 88 Fraud Suspects Engaged In Cross-Border Sextortion Scams

To effectively enforce the directives laid out in the Chinese national conference addressing emerging illegal activities within telecommunications networks, specifically focusing on the severe crackdown of cross-border fraud crimes in accordance with both Chinese and international law, the Chinese and Indonesian police have actively engaged in cooperative law enforcement efforts.

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Mule Addresses

Mule Addresses

By David Maimon, Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Georgia State University and Saba Aslanzadeh, PhD Student in in Computer Science, Georgia State University

What Are ‘Mule Addresses’? Criminologists Explain How Vacant Properties Serve As Depots For Illegal Online Purchases

Online shopping isn’t just a convenient way to buy batteries, diapers, computers, and other stuff without going to a brick-and-mortar store.

Many Americans also use the internet to quietly acquire illegal, fake, and stolen items. Guns, prescription drugs no doctor has ordered and checks are on this long list, as well as cloned credit cards, counterfeit passports, and phony driver’s licenses.

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The Self-Pity Trap & How To Overcome It

The Self-Pity Trap & How To Overcome It

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Self-Pity And Being The Victim Of A Scam Or Fraud – It Can Be A Very Distressing Experience

It can be difficult to come to terms with the fact that someone has taken advantage of you, and it is normal to feel a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, and embarrassment. However, if you find yourself dwelling on your negative emotions and feeling sorry for yourself, it is important to find ways to overcome self-pity.

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Hope & The “Pig Pen” Syndrome

Hope & The “Pig Pen” Syndrome – on

A Different Take On The Happenstance Of Scams

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc. – Originally published on September 2018 – moved and updated 2023

Was It All About Hope? For Many Scam Victims, Was Just Bad Luck That They Were Scammed?

“Shit Happens” Is The Old Saying! Sometimes it happens a lot and doesn’t stop. Is it bad luck? Did you ever think you might be making impulsive decisions? That clinging to false hope might have been one of the many root causes for what happened.

Some people believe in the Karmic Wheel, but while that may influence luck on a long-term scale, it probably is not the cause of becoming involved in a relationship scam. But hope – especially false hope, might be a real contributor.

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Teens And Young Adults: Now A Major Target Of Scammers

Teens And Young Adults: Now A Major Target Of Scammers

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Teens And Young Adults: A Major Target Of Scammers

Teenagers and young adults are increasingly becoming a major target of scammers.

In fact, a 2022 report by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) found that people aged 18 to 29 were more likely to report falling victim to a scam than any other age group.

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Fraudsters Steal $135 Billion In Fake COVID19 Jobless & Unemployment Claims

Fraudsters Steal $135 Billion In Fake COVID19 Jobless & Unemployment Claims

By SCARS Editorial Team, portions Washington Post

Fraudsters Stole $135 Billion in Unemployment Benefits During the Pandemic

A fraudster’s picnic! The COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread economic disruption, leading to millions of Americans filing for unemployment benefits. Unfortunately, this also created an opportunity for fraudsters to steal billions of dollars in government aid.

According to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), fraudsters may have stolen as much as $135 billion in federal unemployment aid during the pandemic. This represents roughly one out of every seven dollars set aside for jobless Americans.

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The Elina Juusola Story

The Elina Juusola Story

By Jessica Morney & Elina Juusola – translated from Finnish

Elina was the victim of love deception: “His cracked, raspy voice went directly into my nervous system”

Love scams are becoming more and more common. Last year, Finns lost EUR 9 million in connection with love scams. The author and historian of ideas Elina Juusola has written about her own experiences of being deceived by a charming “military” on a mission abroad.

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Criminal Cryptocurrency Boss Jailed For 11,196 Years In Turkey For Fraud

Criminal Cryptocurrency Boss Jailed For 11,196 Years In Turkey For Fraud

By SCARS Editorial Team, portions BBC

Criminal Boss of Failed Crypto Exchange Gets 11,000-Year Sentence

The Outcome

The Thodex cryptocurrency boss is Faruk Fatih Özer. He was sentenced to 11,196 years in prison by a Turkish court on charges of “establishing, managing and being a member of an organization,” “qualified fraud,” and “laundering of property values.”

Özer founded Thodex cryptocurrency exchange in 2017 and it quickly became one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in Turkey. In April 2021, Thodex abruptly halted withdrawals and Özer fled the country, allegedly with millions of dollars in cryptocurrency belonging to users.

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Counseling And Your Native Language

Counseling And Your Native Language

By SCARS Editorial Team

Why Is It Important When Receiving Psychological Counseling Or Therapy In Your Native Language?

It is important that when receiving psychological counseling or therapy that it is in your native language. This is because language is not just a way of communicating, it is also a way of thinking and feeling. When you speak your native language, you are able to express yourself more fully and accurately. You are also able to connect with the therapist on a deeper level.

When you speak a second language, you may have to translate your thoughts and feelings, which can be difficult and time-consuming. This can also make it harder to express yourself emotionally. Additionally, the therapist may not be familiar with the cultural nuances of your language, which can lead to misunderstandings.

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Scam Victims And The Reactivity Loop

Scam Victims And The Reactivity Loop

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Reactivity Loop – How Your Mind Helps To Destroy Itself

A psychological ‘reactivity loop’ in traumatized scam victims is a pattern of negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that can develop after being scammed. It is a vicious internal cycle that can be difficult to let go of and break.

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96 Year Old Romance Scam Victim

96 Year Old Romance Scam Victim

By SCARS Editorial Team, portions U.S. Department of Justice

Indiana Woman Admits to Victimizing 96-Year-Old Rhode Island Widower Through an Online Romance Scam

An Indiana woman today (September 6, 2023) admitted to a federal Judge in Rhode Island that she perpetrated an online romance scam that defrauded a 96-year-old Coventry widower of nearly $80,000, announced United States Attorney Zachary A. Cunha.

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Israel Police Bust Major Investment Fraud Organization

Israel Police Bust Major Investment Fraud Organization

By SCARS Editorial Team, portions from Jerusalem Post and Finance Magnates

Israeli Police Bust Massive Online FX Investment Fraud, Arrest Six

Israeli police have arrested six people in connection with a massive online foreign exchange (FX) investment fraud that is estimated to have cost victims millions of dollars.

The suspects, who are all Israeli citizens, are accused of running a scam that involved setting up fake websites and social media accounts that purported to offer high-yield FX trading opportunities. They allegedly lured victims into investing their money by promising guaranteed returns but instead used the funds to enrich themselves.

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Facebook Says It Is Trying To Do Better!

Facebook Says It Is Trying To Do Better!

An Editorial By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions by Meta and Yahoo News

Meta Raising Online Defenses Through Transparency and Collaboration – So They Say!

Facebook and Meta’s Failure to Control Harmful Content

Facebook and Meta, the parent company of Facebook, have been under fire for years for their failure to control harmful content on their platforms. This includes fake news, hate speech, disinformation, and online criminals.

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88 Chinese Scammers Arrested In Indonesia

88 Chinese Scammers Arrested In Indonesia

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Indonesian Law Enforcement Arrests 88 Chinese Nationals Working In Call Center Over Online Romance Scams

Indonesian police have arrested 88 Chinese nationals on suspicion of running online romance scams. The suspects, who were arrested in a raid on a rented house in Jakarta, are accused of using fake profiles to befriend people on social media and then conning them out of money.

The suspects allegedly targeted victims in Indonesia, China, and other countries. They would pose as wealthy foreigners and strike up relationships with their victims. Once they had gained the victims’ trust, they would ask for money for various reasons, such as medical expenses or travel costs.

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The EU Digital Services Act (DSA) Becomes Enforceable

The EU Digital Services Act (DSA) Becomes Enforceable

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions: Reuters, Washington Post, Council of Europe

The EU Has Done With The DSA What The United States Could Not Or Would Not Do! Bring Order And Control To Digital Platforms

A New Era of European Digital Regulation

The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) are two new pieces of legislation that will regulate digital services in the European Union. The DSA will focus on creating a safer digital space for users, while the DMA will focus on ensuring fair competition in the digital market.

The DSA will apply to all online services that have at least 45 million users in the EU. This includes social media platforms, search engines, e-commerce websites, and online marketplaces. The DSA will require these platforms to take steps to remove illegal content, such as cybercriminals, hate speech, and child sexual abuse content, and to be more transparent about how they collect and use user data.

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Qakbot Botnet Infrastructure Shattered After An International Operation Led By FBI/Europol Takes It Down

Qakbot Botnet Infrastructure Shattered After An International Operation Led By FBI/Europol

By Europol, U.S. Department of Justice and SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Qakbot Malware Victimized 700 000+ Computers, With At Least EUR 54 Million Paid In Ransoms Since 2007

The Qakbot action represents the largest U.S./Europol-led financial and technical disruption of a botnet infrastructure

What is Qakbot Malware?

Qakbot is a ‘banking trojan’ type of virus or malware that has been around since 2007

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Human Trafficking & Scam Slavery – UN Issues New Report

Human Trafficking & Scam Slavery – UN Issues New Report

By United Nations and SCARS Editorial Team

UN Report: Scam Slavery Is A Form Of Human Trafficking In Which People Are Forced To Work In Scam Call Centers

SCARS Overview

The victims are often lured with promises of good jobs and high salaries, but once they arrive at the call center, they are forced to work long hours under abusive conditions. They are also often threatened with violence or deportation if they try to escape.

Southeast Asia is a major hub for scam slavery. The region is home to a large number of poor and unemployed people who are vulnerable to exploitation. The perpetrators of scam slavery often target these people with promises of easy money.

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Indian Scammer Call Center Shut Down 84 Arrested

Indian Scammer Call Center Shut Down 84 Arrested

By SCARS Editorial Team, Portions by The420

A Major Bust For Indian Cybercrime Police In Shutting Down A Large Scammer Call Center In Noida India

A total of 84 scammers/call center workers were arrested!

About Indian Scammer Call Centers

Scam call centers in India are a major problem, and they have been for many years. These call centers prey on people all over the world, using a variety of techniques to scam them out of their money. Some of the most common scams include:

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INTERPOL Identified Networks Linked to Financial Losses of More Than USD $40 Million

INTERPOL Arrest Cyber Criminals In $40M Financial Losses

By INTERPOL and SCARS Editorial Team

14 Arrests, Thousands of Illicit Cyber Networks Disrupted in Africa Operation

Networks identified linked to financial losses of more than USD 40 million

INTERPOL and AFRIPOL have coordinated an operation across 25 African countries that enabled investigators to arrest 14 suspected cybercriminals and identify 20,674 suspicious cyber networks, highlighting the surge in digital insecurity and cyber threats in the region.

The networks identified were linked to financial losses of more than USD 40 million.

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The Ghana Scammers Game Is Alive And Well

The Ghana Scammers Game Is Alive And Well

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, with comments by the SCARS Editorial Team

Ghanaian Scammers – Youth Fall Out Of Poverty As Romance Scammers – But That Is No Justification For Criminality

SCARS Comment: While this may be true, people struggle everywhere to make a living and the vast majority of them do it honestly! There is never an excuse in being poor and turning to crime! This is true for Ghana scammers, and cybercriminals everywhere else.

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Loren Esse of Des Moines – Police Arrest A Money Mule

Loren Esse of Des Moines – Police Arrest A Money Mule

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Loren Esse was Scammed into scamming? Police say a Des Moines, Iowa man was tricked into stealing around $200,000

Loren Esse of Des Moines Became A Money Mule But When Notified By The Police He Refused To Stop!

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Major Offensive Against African Black Axe Criminal Cartel By Irish Garda Police

Major Offensive Against African Black Axe Criminal Cartel By Irish Garda Police

By SCARS Editorial Team, portions by: Garda, Irish Times

Taking On The African/Nigerian Black Axe Gang!

Irish Garda Plays A Key Role In Taking Them On

A major Garda Síochána enforcement action was conducted in conjunction with INTERPOL and Law Enforcement Agencies across 21 countries around the world under Operation JACKAL. Closing ranks on West African organized crime: more than EUR 2 million seized in Operation Jackal

In the most recent series of actions Gardaí identify almost 1,000 people with Irish addresses linked to the sinister operation which also funds terror

Previous 2023 Garda Actions Against Black Axe:

  • 3 premises were searched in Dublin, Wicklow, and Longford
  • 9 persons were arrested and detained under Organised Crime legislation
  • 4 Persons were arrested and detained for money laundering offenses
  • 33 persons were arrested and charged with money laundering
  • 1 person was arrested and charged with gangland offenses and money laundering
  • 9 incidents of stolen money recovered from foreign bank accounts
  • Over €400,000 of stolen monies was recovered from Irish companies.

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Scam Victim Suicides Are Up – New Data Hints

Scam Victim Suicides Are Up – New Data Hints

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Risk of Suicides in Scam and Financial Fraud Victims Is Sharply On The Rise

Scams and financial fraud can have a devastating impact on victims, both financially and emotionally. In some cases, the emotional toll can be so great that victims may feel like they have no other way out but to commit suicide and take their own life.

Suicides Risk

The risk of suicide is especially high among elderly victims. A study by the National Center for Victims of Crime found that the rate of suicides among elderly scam victims is twice as high as the national average. Add on the loss of their life savings and the impact is obvious!

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Bank Customer Interventions

Bank Customer Interventions

By Ken Palla, Retired Director, MUFG Union Bank – Courtesy of BioCatch

You Have a Customer Scam Alert, Now What?

Recently, many of the more technically advanced financial institutions have worked to develop anomaly detection capabilities to detect financial scams (authorized transactions initiated by the real customer). These scams are inherently difficult to detect as it is the real customer doing the transaction. Legacy controls, such as known IP address, device fingerprint, and mobile phone location, all indicate that the real customer is doing the transaction.

Some financial institutions, working with vendors, have developed effective solutions to detect these scam transactions. So, half the battle is won with scam transaction alerts that have a decent false positive ratio. Now the financial institution must decide what to do next to turn the alert into a confirmed scam case or get the customer on their own to stop the transaction. A payment not sent is a scam loss prevented.

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16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Taken Down

16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Taken Down

By Interpol & SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizems Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Interpol Coordinated Takes Down 16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Used By 70,000 People

16shop Notorious phishing platform shut down, arrests in international police operation

In a remarkable triumph over cybercriminal activity, the curtains have fallen on the nefarious phishing-as-a-service platform known as 16shop. This decisive outcome emerged from a comprehensive international effort led by Interpol.

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Cryptocurrency Recovery Alert from the FBI

Cryptocurrency Recovery Alert from the FBI

By U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Increase in Companies Falsely Claiming an Ability to Recover Funds Lost in Cryptocurrency Investment Scams

The FBI warns of an increase in cryptocurrency recovery schemes, which exploit victims who lost cryptocurrency to fraud, scams, and theft

Never hire or pay a private/for-profit company to trace and recover your cryptocurrency. Only law enforcement can effectively do it and they do it for free!

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Cybercriminals Operating Major Ransomware Hosting Service Arrested In Poland

Cybercriminals Operating Major Ransomware Hosting Service Arrested In Poland

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions Department of Justice and Europol

Cybercriminals Running ‘Bulletproof’ Webhosting Domain Charged in Connection with Facilitation of ‘NetWalker’ Ransomware

U.S. Authorities, along with Europol Announce Court-Authorized Seizure of

5 European cybercriminals were also arrested!

An indictment was unsealed yesterday in Tampa, Florida, USA charging a Polish national with computer fraud conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, and international money laundering in connection with the provision of “bulletproof” web hosting services that facilitated the operation of ransomware attacks and the subsequent laundering of the illicit proceeds.

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Projection And Scam Victims

Projection And Scam Victims

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Projection Is A Psychological Defense Mechanism

It involves painting one’s own thoughts, views, feelings, and characteristics to someone else instead of seeing what is actually there!

With romance or other forms of relationship scams (including pig butchering scams) and their aftermath, psychological projection can play a significant role both during and after the scam.

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Abstinence for Scam Victims – A Requirement For Healing

Abstinence for Scam Victims – A Requirement For Healing

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Crucial Role of Abstinence for Scam Victims: Navigating the Path to Recovery

Introduction to Abstinence

The prevalence of scams has risen to alarming levels – of course, scam victims all know that already.

Scammers are constantly devising new and sophisticated ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals, leaving their victims emotionally and financially devastated. They are especially out looking for previous victims since they are even more vulnerable than they were before their first scam. This is a major reason why abstinence is so important during recovery. Not just to avoid being scammed again, but to avoid the even worse trauma that comes with additional scams.

For those who have fallen victim to scams, the journey through recovery is a process of healing wounds and making informed choices to ensure future well-being.

One such vital choice is the practice of abstinence – a conscious decision to avoid any contact with potential scammers or platforms where they abound, such as dating websites.

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Talking To Kids/Youth About Online Risk [VIDEO]

Talking To Kids/Youth About Online Risk [VIDEO]

By National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (U.S. Government) and SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

How can parents encourage their children/youth to use online technology safely and privately – a NIST Video – used with permission

NIST Researchers Explore Best Practices for Talking to Kids About Online Privacy

Today’s youth are digital natives. They’ve never known a world without the internet or online technology. It is crucial they develop the skills and resilience to safely navigate these digital environments from an early age. At NIST, scientists conducted a study to find out how much these digital natives and their parents know about online security and privacy.

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Human Scam Trafficking – The Knoble Report

The Knoble Report On Human Scam Trafficking

By The Knoble & SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

From Fake Job Ads to Human Trafficking: The Horrifying Reality of the Human Trafficking Scam Trade

Human Trafficking Scam Trade preys on vulnerable individuals trapping victims in a web of human trafficking, coercion, fraud, and cryptocurrencies. Our new publication, in collaboration with The Mekong Club, Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative, and Humanity Research Consultancy, sheds light on the shocking tactics used by criminal networks and highlights the complexities surrounding detection and prevention. Discover the hidden tactics involving fraud, money laundering, human trafficking, and cryptocurrencies, and learn how you can prevent this critical issue.

SCARS is a proud member of the Knoble.

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Interpol Operation Jackal – Arrested Over 100

Interpol Operation Jackal – Arrested Over 100

By Interpol & SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Interpol & Partners Target West African Cybercriminals In Major Raid Seizing Million Of Euros!

Interpol closing ranks on West African organized crime: more than EUR 2 million seized in Operation Jackal – tackling the global footprint of Black Axe and similar West Africa-based organized crime groups

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Cryptocurrency Home Invasion Armed Robbery

Cryptocurrency Home Invasion Armed Robbery

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., and third-party sources

A Significant New Escalation In The Theft Of Cryptocurrency – Violent Home Invasions

Durham, North Carolina Police & The FBI Are Investigating A Terrifying Home Invasion Involving Cryptocurrency Theft

A Durham, North Carolina couple endured a harrowing ordeal during a recent home invasion, where they were targeted for their cryptocurrency holdings. According to authorities, two armed men, disguised as construction workers, approached the couple’s Wells Street residence.

Once inside, the assailants, identified as Remy Ra St. Felix and Elmer Castro, brandished handguns and restrained the elderly couple using zip ties. The terrified victims, both 76 years old, were then coerced into transferring a significant amount of cryptocurrency, totaling $250,000, to an undisclosed account.

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Why Scammers Don’t Give Up

Why Scammers Don’t Give Up

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Almost Every Victim Continues To Receive Emails, Texts, Messages, Or Phone Calls From Their Scammers Even After The Scam Has Been Discovered And Ended!

Why do scammers do this? Don’t they know they are not getting any more money?

In today’s world, it takes no effort at all for scammers to send out mass emails, texts, messages, and even phone calls. There are thousands of online services that will do it at very low cost or for free! These bulk email services can blast out millions of emails a day!

Scammers operate very much like telemarketers after the scam ends. They know that all it takes is a small percentage of victims to have doubts about themselves and the certainty that it was a scam or be curious or impulsive. They know that the victim’s own curiosity and impulsivity work in the scammer’s favor. Plus a significant number of victims in the weeks following the ending of the crime will still have lingering doubts about whether it was in fact a scam.

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