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Multitasking Creates Scam Victim Vulnerabilities – 2024

Multitasking Creates Scam Victim Vulnerabilities

The Process of Multitasking Divides Our Attention and Dramatically Increases Vulnerability

Psychology of Scams

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

In today’s modern era, multitasking has become ubiquitous, driven by technological advancements and societal shifts. While initially seen as a means to enhance productivity, research has revealed its detrimental effects on cognitive function and decision-making.

The concept of multitasking emerged in the latter 20th century, coinciding with the rise of personal computers and communication technology facilitating concurrent task performance. Its prevalence increased with the advent of smartphones and other mobile devices, embedding multitasking deeper into daily routines.

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Crypto Investment Scams (Pig Butchering Scams) What They Are And How To Avoid Them – 2024

Crypto Investment Scams (Pig Butchering Scams) What They Are And How To Avoid Them

An Introduction to the Explosion of Crypto-Based Investment Scams

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Cezary Podkul, ProPublica

About This Article

The “Pig Butchering Scam” crypto-based investment scam is an online investment fraud scheme where individuals are tricked into investing money by criminals posing as trustworthy contacts. These scammers use various tactics, such as creating fake identities and initiating conversations on social media or messaging apps, to gain victims’ trust.

Once trust is established, victims are manipulated into depositing funds into fake brokerage accounts. The scammers then disappear with the money, leaving victims with substantial financial losses. This deceptive practice preys on unsuspecting individuals’ desire for financial gain and highlights the importance of staying vigilant and reporting suspicious activities to authorities promptly.

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Meta Platforms (Facebook & Instagram) Caught Lying About The Number of Real Users To Advertisers 2024

Meta Platforms (Facebook & Instagram) Caught Lying About The Number of Real Users To Advertisers

Courts Rule They Can Be Sued for Misrepresentation (a.k.a. Fraud)

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  By Jonathan Stempel, Reuters

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The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in a 2-1 decision that Meta Platforms, owner of Facebook and Instagram, must face a class-action lawsuit filed by advertisers. The lawsuit alleges Meta overcharged advertisers by fraudulently inflating the potential reach of their ads, using metrics based on social media accounts rather than actual people, leading to potential viewer overestimations of up to 400%.

While the court allowed advertisers to sue for damages as a group, it decertified a separate class seeking injunctive relief. Advertisers estimate Meta may owe over $7 billion in damages. Meta, with ads generating most of its revenue, has yet to comment.

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The Laws Of War Must Apply In Cyberspace – A Cyberwarfare Insight – 2024

The Laws Of War Must Apply In Cyberspace

A Cyberwarfare Insight

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Article by: Johanna Weaver, Director, ANU Tech Policy Design Centre, Australian National University
•  Portions by the International Committee of the Red Cross
Article Originally Published: October 25, 2023 – Used With Permission

About This Article

Governments and hackers alike are increasingly acknowledging the necessity of applying the laws of war to cyberspace. Traditionally, international humanitarian law has regulated conduct in armed conflict to safeguard civilians and minimize suffering.

However, with the emergence of cyberattacks and online information operations, a new battleground has evolved, exemplified by Russia’s actions in Ukraine and the Israel–Hamas conflict. Contrary to the misconception of cyberspace being lawless, there is a global consensus that existing laws of war are applicable online.

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Scam Victims And The 9 Circles Of Hell After The Scam Ends – 2024

Scam Victims And The 9 Circles Of Hell After The Scam Ends

The Challenges that Scam Victims Face after They End their Scam/Fraud

Scam Victim Recovery Psychology

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
Updated 2024 – Originally published 2023 on

About This Article

“Scam Victims Welcome To Hell: An Insight into Recovery” delves into the harrowing journey of scam victims, likening their post-scam experience to Dante’s Circles of Hell. Drawing parallels between Dante’s Inferno and the psychological turmoil of scam recovery, the narrative navigates through each circle, mirroring the victim’s emotional descent.

From the initial shock of Limbo to the burning anger of Violence, victims grapple with denial, greed, and treachery. Each circle reflects a facet of victim psychology, from the insatiable need for answers in Gluttony to the treacherous allure of returning to scam tactics in Fraud.

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Investment Scam Losses Continue To Rise In Japan – More Than 50% Year Over Year – 2024

Investment Scam Losses Continue To Rise In Japan – More Than 50% Year Over Year

The Rate of Fake Investment Scam Victimization is Growing at a rate of over 50% per year!

An Investment Scam Victim’s Story

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions YOL

About This Article

The surge in investment scams worldwide, but particularly in Japan, including fake crypto and regular investment schemes, reflects a global trend of scammers adapting their tactics to target unsuspecting victims.

With losses totaling in the tens of millions of yen, victims like Mitsuyoshi Yamamoto are left devastated by the allure of promised profits and sophisticated scam techniques. These scams often involve impersonating famous investors on social media platforms, enticing victims with promises of high returns and minimal risk.

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The Uniqueness Of Scam Victims Or Fraud Victims – 2024

The Uniqueness Of Scam Victims Or Fraud Victims

Why Scam Victims are different than other type of Crime Victims

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Scam victims, distinct from other crime victims, face unique challenges spanning psychological, financial, educational, technological, and social realms.

Manipulated over extended periods, they endure deep emotional turmoil, including betrayal and shame. Financially, they suffer massive losses, often leading to homelessness and credit damage. Their vulnerability stems from a knowledge gap, as scams exploit intricate tactics victims fail to recognize.

Perpetrators wield sophisticated methods like grooming and coercion, further complicating victims’ recovery. Despite technological complexities and stigma, law enforcement often lacks adequate training, exacerbating victims’ struggles for justice.

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NACHA Changes Credit-Push ACH Payments Rules To Fight Scams & Fraud – 2024

NACHA Changes ACH Credit-Push Payments Rules To Fight Scams & Fraud

Placing More Responsibility on the Financial Services Sector to Police Scams & Fraud

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Nacha members have endorsed rules to combat fraud, including business email compromise (BEC), leveraging credit-push payments. These rules mandate ACH payment monitoring for all network participants (excluding consumers), marking a pivotal shift.

Despite not altering liability, recipient financial institutions (RDFIs) gain a monitoring role for the first time. With BEC scams, vendor impersonation, and payroll fraud causing significant losses, the need for action is urgent.

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Cambodia’s Struggle Against Scam Slavery Scams: A Year After Crackdown, Scams Persist – 2024

Cambodia’s Struggle Against Scam Slavery Scams: A Year After Crackdown, Scams Persist

Scam Slavery Call Centers in Cambodia Still Thriving!

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  VOA

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Despite Cambodia’s government crackdown on cyber-slavery scams over a year ago, recent reports from anti-human-trafficking groups suggest that such scams are still thriving, challenging the official narrative of significant progress in addressing human trafficking in Cambodia.

Despite the government’s efforts to curb human trafficking by raiding scam compounds and making arrests and deportations, NGOs and international observers expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of these measures. Many scams reportedly relocated temporarily during the crackdown and have since resumed operations in Cambodia, making it difficult for authorities to identify and rescue victims.

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The Global Fraud Summit In The UK – 2024

The 2024 Global Fraud Summit In The UK

Addressing Global Fraud & Cybercrimes

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  UK Home Office

About This Article

The historic Global Fraud Summit, held in the UK on March 10-11, 2024, brought together world leaders, industry experts, and representatives from multiple continents to tackle the growing threat of global fraud.

The summit aimed to foster international collaboration, raise public awareness, and develop strategies to disrupt criminal operations and prevent future scams.

A key outcome was the establishment of a joint communique outlining areas of focus, including information sharing, law enforcement cooperation, public education campaigns, and technological solutions.

This summit signifies a major step towards a more unified global front against fraud.

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EUROPOL Action Against European Money Laundering Operations – 2024

EUROPOL Action Against European Money Laundering Operations

Law Enforcement Actions Against Organized Crime in Europe

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Judicial and law enforcement authorities from Italy, Latvia, and Lithuania have collaborated to dismantle a large-scale money laundering operation, orchestrated through a Lithuanian financial institution, with over EUR 2 billion laundered since 2017.

The operation involved two main suspects who offered money laundering services online to criminals worldwide, resulting in their detention along with 16 others. Facilitated by Eurojust and Europol, the operation saw the freezing of over EUR 11.5 million in assets and bank accounts.

The institution facilitated fictitious transactions for various criminal activities, including tax evasion and organized crime, while one suspect defrauded Italian authorities of EUR 15 million.

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Scam Victims Compliance With Scammer Authority Figures – 2024

Scam Victims Compliance With Scammer Authority Figures

Helping Scam Victims to Understand the Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The article provides an in-depth exploration of the psychological mechanisms that drive scam victims to comply with scammer impersonation of authority figures.

It examines how scammers exploit individuals’ innate tendency to respect and obey authority, leveraging this predisposition to manipulate victims into compliance. Factors such as fear of consequences, social conditioning, and deception contribute to victims’ susceptibility to fraudulent schemes.

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Scammers Arrested In India Using A New Return Money Scam Tactic – 2024

Scammers Arrested In India Using A New Return Money Scam Tactic

A New Phone Scam Variation – Demanding the Return of Money Wrongly Sent

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

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In a recent cyber fraud case in India, a scammer devised a cunning scheme involving a fake hotel website, duping an unsuspecting accountant of Rs 49,500 under the guise of room booking charges. The arrest of the scammer, Zafar Khan, unveiled a sophisticated new scam approach granting scammers easy access to their targets’ mobile numbers.

Leveraging the ‘Friend Search Tool’ app, Khan identified potential victims and initiated phone contact under the pretense of returning mistakenly credited money.

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Mona Faiz Montrage ‘Hajia4Reall’ – A Ghana Influencer Pleads Guilty In U.S. Court To Romance Scams – 2024

Ghana Influencer Mona Faiz Montrage ‘Hajia4Reall’ Pleads Guilty In U.S. Court To Romance Scams

Ghana Influencer Guilty of Involvement In Ghana Romance Scams

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Ghanaian influencer and musician Mona Faiz Montrage, also known as Hajia4Reall, has confessed to her involvement in a string of romance scams, leading to the illicit acquisition of over $2 million, as disclosed by the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

The 31-year-old, once revered as a leading Instagram influencer with a following exceeding 3 million, was linked to a West African criminal syndicate orchestrating fraudulent activities targeting individuals and enterprises in the United States.

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LockBit Ransomware Shut Down By Combined Global Law Enforcement – 2024

LockBit Ransomware Shut Down By Combined Global Law Enforcement

Global Operation Chronos Shuts Down LockBit Ransomware

Cybercrime News

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Europol
•  U.S. Department of Justice

About This Article

FBI and Europol reports LockBit as the most deployed ransomware globally, with operations disrupted by law enforcement across ten countries. LockBit, infamous for causing extensive financial damage, saw its criminal activities severely compromised.

The international effort, led by the UK’s National Crime Agency under ‘Operation Cronos’, coordinated by Europol, dismantled LockBit’s infrastructure, including 34 seized servers. Arrests were made in Poland and Ukraine, with warrants issued by French and US authorities. Over 200 cryptocurrency accounts linked to the group were frozen.

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North Korea Hackers are Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Scams – 2024

North Korea Hackers are Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Scams

Cybercrime is Evolving Fast!

Cybercrime News

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions from Financial Times

About This Article

North Korean hackers are now utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to orchestrate more sophisticated cyber scams, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and AI services such as ChatGPT to enhance their deceptive tactics.

This shift towards AI-driven cybercrime poses a significant challenge to cybersecurity efforts globally. By creating credible profiles and engaging targets over extended periods, hackers can execute more convincing phishing attempts and malware dissemination.

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A Fake Social Media Scam But A Real Murder For Hire Plot In Alaska – 2024

A Fake Social Media Scam But A Real Murder For Hire Plot In Alaska

How a Fake Social Media Profile Induced Teens Online to Commit a Murder for Hire!

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions Alaska Department of Law, KTUU, and other sources

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The chilling murder-for-hire plot in Alaska involving Denali Dakota Skye Brehmer, which resulted in the tragic death of 19-year-old Cynthia Hoffman, highlights the dangerous consequences of online deception and manipulation, particularly in the context of ‘catfishing’ schemes.

Brehmer, along with her accomplices, was induced by an Indiana man, Darin Schilmiller, who offered a false promise of $9 million in exchange for photos and videos of Hoffman’s murder.

Despite not being the one to pull the trigger, Brehmer’s pivotal role in orchestrating the murder led to her sentencing of 99 years in prison.

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Transnational Organized Crime Using Luxury Goods For Money Laundering – 2024

Transnational Organized Crime Using Luxury Goods For Money Laundering

Understanding the Money Flows with Transnational Organized Crime

An Overview of Transnational Organized Crime Money Laundering

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Transnational organized crime (TOC) is increasingly turning to luxury goods like watches and handbags for money laundering. These items’ high value, portability, and established resale channels make them attractive for criminals to hide and convert illicit gains.

TOC methods involve bulk purchases, smuggling, fake documentation, and online marketplaces. The consequences impact businesses through reputational damage and market distortion, governments battling financing of illegal activities, and consumers facing trust issues about product authenticity.

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Scam Victims Will Never Be The Same – A Harsh Truth – 2024

Scam Victims Will Never Be The Same – A Harsh Truth

The First Step in Healing is Understanding How These Crimes Affect Their Victims – and Accepting It!

Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

In the aftermath of falling victim to scams, many individuals defiantly proclaim, “I won’t let the scam define me!” or “I refuse to let it affect me!”

Yet, these assertions, though spoken with conviction, often veil a deeper truth. Each scam victim is intimately connected to the events they’ve endured, and denying this connection hinders their journey toward healing. The impact of scams, whether financial or emotional, lingers long after the initial deception.

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Ukrainian Scammer/Cryptojacker Arrested – 2024

Ukrainian Scammer/Cryptojacker Arrested

Law Enforcement Action Against Cybercriminals

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

A 29-year-old mastermind of a complex cryptojacking scheme, believed to have mined over EUR 1.8 million, was arrested in Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

The National Police of Ukraine, supported by Europol and a cloud provider, collaborated intensively to apprehend the suspect. Cryptojacking involves the unauthorized use of cloud infrastructure to mine cryptocurrencies, bypassing server and power costs.

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Stockholm Syndrome – Getting Scam Victims To Break The Law – 2024

Stockholm Syndrome – Getting Scam Victims To Break The Law

Understanding The Coercive Power Of Scam Manipulation And Control

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

Romance scams, extend far beyond loss of trust and financial losses, often ensnaring victims in a web of emotional manipulation that can lead to criminal acts. Much like Stockholm syndrome, victims of romance scams experience intense psychological coercion, resulting in their coerced involvement in illegal activities for their fraudulent partners.

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xDedic Marketplace Is Now An Ex-xDedic Marketplace! Another Dark Web Shutdown 2024

xDedic Marketplace Is Now An Ex-xDedic Marketplace!

Global Law Enforcement Shuts Down Dark Web Marketplace and Arrests 19

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  United States Department of Justice

Article Abstract

United States Attorney Roger B. Handberg concludes a significant transnational cybercrime investigation into the xDedic Marketplace, a dark web site trafficking in login credentials and personal data of U.S. residents.

Operating globally, this marketplace enabled diverse illegal activities such as tax fraud and ransomware.

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Savior Syndrome And The Negative Consequences To Them And Other Scam Victims – 2023

Savior Syndrome (Savior Complex or Messiah Complex)

And the Negative Consequences to Them and Other Scam Victims

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
Originally Published on 2018

Savior Syndrome/Savior Complex – How Victims Often Use Negative Coping Mechanisms To Avoid The Pain Of Their Own Trauma

After Someone Is Victimized They Are Often Desperate To Take Control Back

The development of savior syndrome in scam victims who have experienced prior trauma is a complex and often counterintuitive phenomenon. It is a very powerful negative coping mechanism that leads them to believe they must help others instead of helping themselves first. However, understanding the underlying factors can help us offer better support and guidance to these individuals.

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INTERPOL Operation HAECHI IV – Over 3,500 Successful Arrests – Expanded Details – 2023

INTERPOL Operation HAECHI IV – Expanded Details

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

USD $300 Million Seized And 3,500 Suspects Arrested In International Financial Crime Operation HAECHI IV

Interpol Operation HAECHI IV was a global operation targeting cyber-enabled financial scams, running from July to December 2023.

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Nigerian Scammer Justice: Why We MUST Extradite – Guest Editorial – 2023

Nigerian Scammer Justice: Why We MUST Extradite

A Nigerian Scammer Comparison of Criminal Justice

A Guest Editorial

• Gary Warner, UAB Computer Forensics / DarkTower Threat Intelligence

Why Extradition Of Nigerian Scammers Is So Important? Because Nigeria’s EFCC Lets Them Off With A Slap On The Hand!

Meet Osondu Victor IGWILO, a Nigerian Scammer

In 2018, the FBI Houston office charged IGWILO with being the “Chairman” of a scheme where IGWILO and his team would send emails claiming to be BB&T Bank Executives and executing various “advance-fee schemes” including investment scams and inheritance scams.

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The Forever Con Artist – A World History Of Deception – An Editorial About Scammers/Fraudsters – 2023

The Forever Con Artist – A World History Of Deception

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Forever Con Artist – A Journey Through Time

Unveiling the History of Con Men and Women – Understanding That Scams Have Always Been With Us!

The Forever Con Artist has always been something that interested me as an Anthropologist, Archaeologist, and Historian. While working on archeological projects in Mesoamerica and South America, I have always been fascinated by each culture’s tricksters and how ubiquitous they always were. I have often wondered to what extend scammers or fraudsters or tricksters were in the ancient world, because they are not a new phenomenon. Scams, fraud, and cons have always been with us – even animals are capable of pulling them off.

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Japanese Lawyer Arrested For Money Recovery Fraud – 2023

Japanese Lawyer Arrested For Collaborating With Money Recovery Scammers

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  NPO Charms Team

‘International Romance Fraud Victim Relief’ – A Japanese Lawyer Was Arrested For Participation In Money Recovery Fraud Related To Romance Scams

An 82-year-old Japanese lawyer was arrested in Tokyo by the Osaka Prefectural Police for lending his lawyer’s name and credentials to a defendant charged with money recovery fraud, according to interviews with people involved in the investigation.

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Pig Butchering Scams In Southeast Asia – 2023

Pig-Butchering Scams In Southeast Asia

•  SCARS Editorial Team

Pig Butchering Scams – How Deeply Wired Into Law Enforcement Chinese Criminals Are In Southeast Asia

How ‘pig-butchering’ scams have emerged as a billion-dollar crypto industry

At a Thai police headquarters in October 2022, Chinese businessman Wang Yicheng congratulated one of Bangkok’s most senior cybercrime investigators on his recent promotion, presenting the official with a large bouquet of flowers wrapped in red paper and a bow.

Mr. Wang, the vice-president of a local Chinese trade group, wished the new cybercrime investigator “smooth work and new achievements”, according to the group’s website, which displays photographs of the event.

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EUROPOL Money Mule Action 2023 – Over 10,000 Identified

EUROPOL Money Mule Action 2023 – Over 10,000 Identified

•  SCARS Editorial Team –  Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions EUROPOL

For Money Mules, Their Paper Trail Ends In Jail Time For 1,013 Money Mules As A Result Of The 2023 Europol Actions Against Money Mules

2,822 banks and financial institutions join forces with law enforcement agencies against Money Mules in a global effort against money laundering!

Law enforcement agencies from 26 countries, in collaboration with Europol, Eurojust, INTERPOL, and several private industry partners, have once again joined forces to combat a key facilitator of money laundering: money mules and their recruiters. In June, October, and November 2023, several operational phases identified 10,759 money mules and 474 recruiters, leading to the arrest of 1,013 individuals worldwide.

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Telegram Criminals | Brett Johnson’s Criminal Thoughts EP 1

Telegram Criminals | Brett Johnson’s Criminal Thoughts EP 1

Published November 28, 2023

•  Brett Johnson, Former Cybercriminal Turned Good Guy, SCARS Advisor

Brett Johnson’s new podcast/video show about cybercriminals and fraudsters on Telegram

Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, Fraud, and Identity Theft Expert. Keynote Speaker, Consultant, Writer, Podcast Personality. Former USA Most Wanted Cybercriminal, Identity Thief, Hacker, and Original Internet Godfather

Brett is a SCARS Advisor and past career cybercriminals who turned his life around!

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Crypto Seizure Breaking News: Major Romance & Pig Butchering Scam Organization Disrupted 2023

Crypto Seizure Breaking News: Major Romance & Pig Butchering Scam Organization Disrupted

•  U.S. Attorney’s Office, U.S. Department of Justice

Cyber Scam Organization Disrupted Through Seizure Of Nearly $9M In Crypto

Government Seizes Crypto For The Victims

The Justice Department announced today the seizure of nearly $9 million worth of Tether, a cryptocurrency pegged to the U.S. dollar. These seized funds were traced to cryptocurrency addresses [wallets] allegedly associated with an organization that exploited over 70 victims through romance scams and cryptocurrency confidence scams, which are widely known as “pig butchering.”

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Euro Phishing Gang Shut Down Europol & Partners – 2023

Euro Phishing Gang Shut Down By Europol & Partners


Europol And Eurojust Support Czech And Ukrainian Police In Taking Down Multi-Million Euro Voice Phishing Gang

The Czech and Ukrainian police have disrupted, with the support of Europol and Eurojust, a prolific phishing gang believed to have defrauded victims across Europe of tens of millions of euros. In Czechia alone, the damage caused by this criminal group is estimated at over EUR 8 million (CZK 195 000 000).

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Crypto Scams – Lloyds Bank Issues Urgent Warning Over Rising Threat – 2023

Crypto Scams – Lloyds Bank Issues Urgent Warning Over Rising Threat

•  Lloyd’s Banking Group

Crypto scams surge on social media: Lloyds Bank warns investors, FCA issues warning, experts advise on how to stay safe

Provided by Lloyd’s Bank – unedited
  • Crypto scams have surged by 23% this year as fraudsters target younger investors
  • Victims losing £10,741 on average, more than any other type of scam
  • Two-thirds of investment scams now estimated to start on social media
  • Findings highlight importance of investing through trusted, genuine companies

A growing number of British investors risk being defrauded by a wave of fake adverts posted on social media, according to a new a warning issued by Lloyds Bank.

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Repeat Nigerian Scammer Adedayo Ilori Gets 25 Years In U.S. Prison

Repeat Nigerian Scammer Adedayo Ilori Gets 25 Years In U.S. Prison

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., Portions U.S. Department of Justice

Repeat Nigerian Scammer Goes To Prison

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ADEDAYO Adedayo Ilori was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil to 25 years in prison for his participation in a sophisticated identity theft and COVID-19 loan fraud scheme.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Even while on bail for federal fraud offenses, Adedayo Ilori could not help but continue his repeated fraud and identity theft crimes. He saw the hardships and disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic and the federal government’s efforts to address those in need as an opportunity for fraud. He lined his own pockets and recklessly used the identities of dozens of victims. Today’s sentence sends a message to Ilori and others engaged in similar crimes that such conduct, especially when it is repeated, will be severely punished.”

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Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down 2023

Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions by EUROPOL

Ragnar Locker Ransomware Gang Taken Down By Major International Police Operation Against Cybercriminals

Law enforcement and judicial authorities from eleven countries delivered a major blow to one of the most dangerous ransomware operations of recent years.

What is Ragnar Locker Ransomware

Ragnar Locker Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files and demands a ransom payment in order to decrypt them. The ransomware is typically spread through phishing emails or malicious websites. Once a victim’s computer is infected, Ragnar Locker will encrypt all of their files, making them inaccessible. The ransomware will then display a ransom note demanding payment in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency.

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China Cracks Down On Scammers – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 1207 Scammers In Myanmar

China Cracks Down On Scammers Part 3 – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 1207 Scammers In Myanmar

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

China Public Security Strengthen Cooperation In Police Law Enforcement Along The Southwest Border With Myanmar (Burma) – This Time Capture 1207 Suspects

Police in China and Myanmar detain an additional 1207 in a cyber scam crackdown in a joint operation that brings down 11 criminal call center bases in northern Myanmar in one of the biggest stings of cybercrime gangs in this Southeast Asian country. It is the latest in Beijing’s efforts to root out fraudsters who frequently target Chinese nationals

According to The Jamestown Foundation

Left Open Quote - on ScamsNOW.comOn September 6, the United Wa State Party, the political arm of one of the most powerful ethnic resistance armies in Myanmar, handed over to China 1,207 Chinese online scammers for extradition back to China (Eleven Media Group, September 9; Global Times, September 9).

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China Cracks Down On Scammers – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 269 Scammers In Myanmar

China Cracks Down On Scammers Part 2 – Chinese & Myanmar Police Arrests 269 Scammers In Myanmar

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

China Public Security Strengthen Cooperation In Police Law Enforcement Along The Southwest Border With Myanmar (Burma)

Police in China and Myanmar detain 269 in cyber scam crackdown in a joint operation that brings down 11 criminal call center bases in northern Myanmar in one of the biggest stings of cybercrime gangs in this Southeast Asian country. It is the latest in Beijing’s efforts to root out fraudsters who frequently target Chinese nationals

According to the China Ministry of Public Security – Translated from Chinese

Left Open Quote - on ScamsNOW.comChina severely cracked down on telecommunications network fraud crimes involving China in northern Myanmar in accordance with the law, and major results have been achieved. They successfully destroyed 11 telecommunications network fraud centers and arrested 269 criminal suspects.

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A Beginner’s Guide to the Dark Web for Investigators

A Beginner’s Guide to the Dark Web for Investigators

By Oxana Korzun, CFE, Fraud Expert / Investigations and Risk Management – San Francisco, California

A Short Instruction On How To Find Information On The Dark Web For OSINT Purposes

Many times, an investigation would lead me to the Dark Web. Sometimes it’s to dive into forums and gather intelligence, and other times it would be to check illegal goods markets selling counterfeit products of my clients.

Every time I mention that I use the Dark Web, people imagine a really scary place with criminals selling their goods right and left and that people can suffer dire consequences even for trying to open websites there.

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Shifting Baseline Syndrome (SBS) And Scam Awareness

Shifting Baseline Syndrome (SBS) And Scam Awareness

• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
• Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

A Question Often Asked Is Why Doesn’t Scam Awareness Training And Information Reduce Victimization? The Answer May Just Be Shifting Baseline Syndrome!

Humans tend to prioritize risks based on immediate threats, and one of the ways we identify immediate threats is by rapid changes in our environment, such as new lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) in our vicinity for example. But Shifting Baseline Syndrome biases our view to diminish that awareness of the risk changes.

What is Shifting Baseline Syndrome?

Shifting baseline syndrome (SBS) is a gradual change in the accepted norms for the condition of the natural environment due to a lack of experience, memory, and/or knowledge of its past condition. In other words, as each generation grows up, they accept the current state of the environment as normal, even if it is actually degraded or improved from its previous state.

Of course, our natural environment can be the physical world or our digital one. It can be inside a workplace, our home, our community, our nation, or on the Internet. It can be any environment within which we live, work, or exist!

SBS can be seen in a variety of environmental contexts, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. For example, people who Read More …
