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Schemas Part 4: SCARS Institute Theory – Schema Conflict Resulting in Psychological Trauma – 2024

Schemas Part 4: SCARS Institute Schema Conflict Theory Resulting in Psychological Trauma

Exploring the Connection Between Schema Conflicts and the Experience of Psychological Trauma

Primary Category: Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

When a person’s core beliefs, or schemas, are confronted with conflicting experiences, it can significantly disrupt their psychological equilibrium and result in trauma.

Schemas are deeply ingrained mental models that help individuals process the world based on past experiences. When a scam victim’s schema (such as trust in others or belief in financial security) is shattered, they experience cognitive dissonance and emotional distress.

The severity of the trauma depends on their ability to reconcile the conflicting experience with their mental framework. If they cannot resolve the disparity, it leads to heightened emotional turmoil, difficulty trusting others, and lasting psychological impacts.

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Schemas Part 3: Schemas/Mental Model & Cognition – 2024

Schemas Part 3: Schemas/Mental Model & Cognition

Expanding Our Understanding of the Mental Model Cognitive Shortcuts

Primary Category: Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Schemas, the mental frameworks that help us organize and interpret information, can profoundly influence how we store and retrieve memories. These frameworks help us process new experiences by fitting them into pre-existing categories. However, this can lead to memory distortion, as schemas can reshape how we recall past events.

For example, we may recall events in ways that align with our existing beliefs, even if those details never occurred. This process can result in selective memory, where information consistent with our schemas is remembered more vividly while conflicting details are forgotten or altered.

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Schemas Part 2: A Catalog of Schemas/Mental Model Types – 2024

Schemas Part 2: A Catalog of Schema/Mental Model Types

Better Understanding the Various Kinds Of Mental Model Cognitive Shortcuts

Primary Category: Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Schemas, also known as mental models, are cognitive frameworks that help individuals organize and interpret the vast array of information they encounter. They are built from life experiences, memories, and learned patterns and play a significant role in how we understand the world. Schemas help to simplify complex information and enable individuals to predict outcomes and respond to situations based on past experiences.

While these frameworks can help streamline decision-making and understanding, they are not always accurate reflections of reality. For scam victims, schemas often shape their perception of trust and relationships.

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Psychological Violence – 2024

Psychological Violence

An Overview of Why Scam Manipulation & Control are Considered Psychological Violence

Primary Category: Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Psychological violence refers to the deliberate infliction of emotional and mental harm on an individual, often resulting in long-lasting damage to their well-being. In the context of scam victims, this type of violence manifests through the systematic grooming, manipulation, and control tactics employed by scammers.

These tactics are designed to erode the victim’s sense of self-worth, autonomy, and reality, leading to severe emotional distress. The effects of psychological violence on scam victims can include anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), compounded by feelings of shame, guilt, and self-blame.

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Summer Heat And Struggling Trauma Sufferers – 2024

Summer Heat And Struggling Trauma Sufferers

Summer Heat is Not Just a Number, it has Profound Effects on the Body and Mind

Primary Category: Scam Victims Recovery Psychology

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

High summer temperatures can significantly worsen the conditions for individuals who have experienced psychological trauma, such as scam victims. The physical discomfort of extreme heat—manifested through dehydration, heat exhaustion, and lethargy—can intensify psychological distress, as symptoms of heat stress, like increased heart rate and sweating, may resemble anxiety or panic attacks, triggering traumatic memories.

High temperatures also disrupt sleep patterns, worsening insomnia and poor sleep quality, which further impairs emotional regulation and resilience.

Additionally, heat can increase irritability and aggression, straining relationships and heightening feelings of isolation. Reduced opportunities for social interaction due to the need to stay indoors can diminish crucial support networks, compounding the challenges faced by trauma survivors.

Effective coping strategies, such as staying hydrated, maintaining a cool environment, and seeking social support, are essential to mitigate the impact of high temperatures on emotional well-being.

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Limerence/Obsessive Love Disorder – When Your Hormones & Neurotransmitters Rule – 2024

Limerence/Obsessive Love Disorder – When Your Hormones & Neurotransmitters Rule

For Scam Victims, it was NOT LOVE – it was Limerence. But watch out that it does not turn into Obsession!

Primary Category: Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Limerence, an intense and involuntary emotional state of romantic infatuation, can be manipulated by scammers to control their victims. This emotional hijacking involves the release of key neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which creates feelings of pleasure, arousal, and obsessive thoughts about the scammer.

Characteristics of limerence include intrusive thoughts, emotional dependency, idealization, fear of rejection, and physiological responses like increased heart rate and sweating.

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People Often Cannot Recognize That They Have Depression – 2024

People Often Cannot Recognize That They Have Depression

Helping Scam Victims Understand What Depression Is and Why So Many Survivors Cannot Recognize that they Have It!

Primary Category: Recovery Psychology

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  National Institute of Mental Health, and other sources

About This Article

Recognizing depression, especially at its onset, can be challenging as symptoms often develop gradually. Depression, or major depressive disorder, can affect anyone, including scam victims, presenting with persistent sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, guilt, loss of interest, fatigue, cognitive issues, sleep disturbances, appetite changes, and physical discomfort.

There are two main types: major depression, which severely impacts daily activities for at least two weeks, and persistent depressive disorder, with milder symptoms lasting at least two years. The difficulty in recognizing depression is compounded by factors like self-blame, a bleak perspective, internalized stigma, and cognitive impairment.

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911 S5 Botnet Dismantled – Another Major Botnet Taken Down By Law Enforcement – 2024

911 S5 Botnet Dismantled – Another Major Botnet Taken Down

Law Enforcement Takes Down Another Major Cybercrime Operation

Primary Category: Law Enforcement

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation

About This Article

In a significant international law enforcement operation led by the U.S. Justice Department, the notorious 911 S5 botnet, responsible for infecting over 19 million IP addresses and facilitating large-scale fraud and other crimes, has been dismantled.

The operation resulted in the arrest of YunHe Wang, a Chinese national, who allegedly created and operated the botnet from 2014 to 2022. Wang’s malware compromised millions of residential computers, allowing cybercriminals to commit various offenses, including financial fraud and child exploitation.

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U.S. FBI’s Turns 24 Years Old! – 2024

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation – FBI’s Turns 24 Years Old!

Since the very early days of the Internet (World Wide Web) the FBI has been collecting data and complaints on criminal behavior and helping victims get help!

Law Enforcement – FBI IC3 Internet Crime Complaint Center

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Portions by ‘Inside the FBI Podcast’

About This Article

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (, established by the FBI in May 2000, is a crucial platform for reporting internet-related crimes such as identity theft, online fraud, phishing, and ransomware. It collects, analyzes, and disseminates cybercrime data, helping identify patterns and emerging threats.

Beyond processing complaints, IC3 enhances public awareness and provides educational resources to prevent cybercrimes. It collaborates with various law enforcement agencies and partners globally to combat cybercrime effectively, making the digital environment safer.

Over its 24 years, IC3 has adapted to evolving threats, continuously working to protect individuals and businesses from sophisticated online scams.

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The Zeigarnik Effect On Mind And Perception – Have You Ever Noticed? A Cognitive Bias – 2024

The Zeigarnik Effect On Mind And Perception – Have You Ever Noticed? Strange Qualities Of Perception After A Scam!

A Cognitive Bias connected to many Detrimental Effects in Scam Victims

The Zeigarnik Effect is one of the Most Fundamental Cognitive Biases that most have never heard of!

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The Zeigarnik Effect, a cognitive bias identified by Bluma Zeigarnik, intensifies the distress of scam victims by perpetuating intrusive thoughts and emotional turmoil.

Following a scam, victims obsessively ruminate on unresolved questions and the perpetrator, fueled by a relentless pursuit of closure. Scammers exploit this bias, manipulating victims through emotional attachment and inducing impulsive actions.

In phishing scams, the Zeigarnik Effect triggers impulsive behavior as individuals seek resolution to unanswered questions. Recognizing this effect is crucial for understanding victim experiences and providing effective support.

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The Global Fraud Summit In The UK – 2024

The 2024 Global Fraud Summit In The UK

Addressing Global Fraud & Cybercrimes

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  UK Home Office

About This Article

The historic Global Fraud Summit, held in the UK on March 10-11, 2024, brought together world leaders, industry experts, and representatives from multiple continents to tackle the growing threat of global fraud.

The summit aimed to foster international collaboration, raise public awareness, and develop strategies to disrupt criminal operations and prevent future scams.

A key outcome was the establishment of a joint communique outlining areas of focus, including information sharing, law enforcement cooperation, public education campaigns, and technological solutions.

This summit signifies a major step towards a more unified global front against fraud.

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Trauma & Nutritional Health – Take Your Vitamins – 2023

Trauma & Nutritional Health – Take Your Vitamins

Understanding The Role That B Vitamins Can Play In Helping Scam Victims To Recover And Maintain Nutritional Health

•  Debby Montgomery Johnson – CEO of BenfoComplete, Nonprofit Founder, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Trauma can have profound effects on a scam victim’s physical health, emphasizing the importance of holistic care beyond emotional and psychological support. Alongside counseling, attention to nutrition, including B vitamin supplements like thiamine, can aid in recovery.

While research on B vitamins’ role in trauma recovery is ongoing, they play vital roles in mental health and nervous system function. Thiamine, for example, impacts mood and cognitive function, while riboflavin contributes to energy metabolism and antioxidant activity. Folate and vitamin B12 influence neurotransmitter regulation and cognitive function, indirectly affecting emotional well-being. However, it’s essential to consult healthcare professionals before supplementing, to ensure safety and efficacy.

Comprehensive trauma recovery involves therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and nutritional support, guided by professional advice and tailored to individual needs.

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Fibromyalgia & Psychological Trauma Link – Medical Health Alert – 2023

Fibromyalgia & Psychological Trauma Link – Medical Health Alert

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Connection Between Psychological Trauma And Fibromyalgia Is A Complex

The connection between psychological trauma and fibromyalgia is a complex and multifaceted one, with growing research suggesting a significant link between the two!

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Japanese Lawyer Arrested For Money Recovery Fraud – 2023

Japanese Lawyer Arrested For Collaborating With Money Recovery Scammers

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  NPO Charms Team

‘International Romance Fraud Victim Relief’ – A Japanese Lawyer Was Arrested For Participation In Money Recovery Fraud Related To Romance Scams

An 82-year-old Japanese lawyer was arrested in Tokyo by the Osaka Prefectural Police for lending his lawyer’s name and credentials to a defendant charged with money recovery fraud, according to interviews with people involved in the investigation.

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Anger & Self-Radicalization – Recovery Psychology 2023

Anger & Self-Radicalization

How Scam Victims Radicalize Themselves

Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Anger & Self-Radicalization – When A Relationship Scam Ends Victims Face Many Demons, From Shock To Fear & Horror To Desperation To Anger!

Anger can often be the default state when a scam is discovered, a victim’s world collapses and what they thought was real and certain is proved to be anything but. The desire for certainty in some victims can be overwhelming regardless of what the impact will be on them psychologically.

Many victims will give in to denial as a way of coping with the incredible trauma they experience. While others, more realistic know that something terrible happened to them and they need help to survive it. However, another group trying to cope with their fear transforms their fear into anger, using this as a way to stabilize their world and create certainty where none now exists.

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Binance & CEO Pleads Guilty Will Pay $4B For Cryptocurrency Money Laundering 2023 [VIDEO]

Binance & CEO Pleads Guilty Will Pay $4B For Cryptocurrency Money Laundering

•  SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  United States Attorney’s Office, Department of Justice

Binance and CEO Plead Guilty to Federal Charges in $4B Resolution In Cryptocurrency Money Laundering Case

Binance Admits It Engaged in Anti-Money Laundering, Unlicensed Money Transmitting, and Sanctions Violations in Largest Corporate Resolution to Include Criminal Charges for an Executive

SCARS Analysis

Binance’s guilty plea in the $4B money laundering case is a significant development with far-reaching implications for the cryptocurrency industry and broader financial regulations. It demonstrates that governments are serious about holding cryptocurrency companies accountable for their role in preventing financial crimes, and it sets a precedent for future enforcement actions.

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Psychological Triggers/Emotional Triggers – What They Are And How They Work – 2023/2024

Psychological Triggers/Emotional Triggers – What They Are And How They Work

SCARS Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

What Are Psychological Triggers or Emotional Triggers?

Why Do They Have So Much Control Over Our Emotions And Mind?

A psychological trigger is a stimulus that elicits or provokes a strong emotional or psychological response.

Psychological triggers can be anything from a sound or smell to a person or place, or something you read, or even a memory. They are usually associated with past traumatic or stressful experiences.

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EUROPOL Report: Money-Laundering Criminals Are Adapting To New Technology Faster Than Authorities Can Keep Up

EUROPOL Report: Money-Laundering Criminals Are Adapting To New Technology Faster Than Authorities Can Keep Up

By SCARS Editorial Team Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions Europol

Money-Laundering Criminals Are Using New Technology Faster Than Authorities Can Keep Up

Criminals Are Washing Their Money Faster Than Authorities Can Track Them Down, According To A New Europol Report

The report found that 70% of criminal enterprises in Europe are using money laundering techniques to hide their wealth and assets. These criminals are mixing illicit finances with seemingly legal businesses and exploiting new technology to grow their operations and launder money faster than authorities can keep up.

In an increasingly interconnected world driven by trade and technology, criminals are leveraging modern advancements to maximize their profits.

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FTC Takes Action Against Unsolicited Communications

FTC Takes Action Against Unsolicited Communications

SCARS Editorial Team Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.; and the
United States Federal Trade Commission

FTC Joins FCC in Renewing Memorandum of Understanding to Promote Cross-Border Law Enforcement Efforts to Combat Spam, Scams, and Illegal Telemarketing

Agencies are partnering with the Unsolicited Communications Enforcement Network

The Federal Trade Commission has joined the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in signing a renewed memorandum of understanding (MOU) between public authorities who are members of the Unsolicited Communications Enforcement Network (UCENet). The MOU aims to promote cross-border collaboration to combat unsolicited communications, including email and text spam, scams, and illegal telemarketing.

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Contractualism and Supporting the Victims of Online Crime


By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Civilization Only Exists Because Of The Commitments That Bind Us All Together – This Is The Foundation Of Contractualism!

Who cares about Contractualism philosophy after you have been scammed? Does it help you recover or get your money back?

Actually, it does, it is the foundation of how we live and work together! That is what Contractualism is all about and why understanding it is so very important!

Most of you reading this have never studied moral philosophy, yet moral philosophy is the foundation of everything we do as a society. As the victims of crime, understanding that there are those who violate these moral philosophies makes it even more important for you to understand it as we all work together to hold it all together!

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The Self-Pity Trap & How To Overcome It

The Self-Pity Trap & How To Overcome It

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Self-Pity And Being The Victim Of A Scam Or Fraud – It Can Be A Very Distressing Experience

It can be difficult to come to terms with the fact that someone has taken advantage of you, and it is normal to feel a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, and embarrassment. However, if you find yourself dwelling on your negative emotions and feeling sorry for yourself, it is important to find ways to overcome self-pity.

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Hope & The “Pig Pen” Syndrome

Hope & The “Pig Pen” Syndrome – on

A Different Take On The Happenstance Of Scams

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc. – Originally published on September 2018 – moved and updated 2023

Was It All About Hope? For Many Scam Victims, Was Just Bad Luck That They Were Scammed?

“Shit Happens” Is The Old Saying! Sometimes it happens a lot and doesn’t stop. Is it bad luck? Did you ever think you might be making impulsive decisions? That clinging to false hope might have been one of the many root causes for what happened.

Some people believe in the Karmic Wheel, but while that may influence luck on a long-term scale, it probably is not the cause of becoming involved in a relationship scam. But hope – especially false hope, might be a real contributor.

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Counseling And Your Native Language

Counseling And Your Native Language

By SCARS Editorial Team

Why Is It Important When Receiving Psychological Counseling Or Therapy In Your Native Language?

It is important that when receiving psychological counseling or therapy that it is in your native language. This is because language is not just a way of communicating, it is also a way of thinking and feeling. When you speak your native language, you are able to express yourself more fully and accurately. You are also able to connect with the therapist on a deeper level.

When you speak a second language, you may have to translate your thoughts and feelings, which can be difficult and time-consuming. This can also make it harder to express yourself emotionally. Additionally, the therapist may not be familiar with the cultural nuances of your language, which can lead to misunderstandings.

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Major Offensive Against African Black Axe Criminal Cartel By Irish Garda Police

Major Offensive Against African Black Axe Criminal Cartel By Irish Garda Police

By SCARS Editorial Team, portions by: Garda, Irish Times

Taking On The African/Nigerian Black Axe Gang!

Irish Garda Plays A Key Role In Taking Them On

A major Garda Síochána enforcement action was conducted in conjunction with INTERPOL and Law Enforcement Agencies across 21 countries around the world under Operation JACKAL. Closing ranks on West African organized crime: more than EUR 2 million seized in Operation Jackal

In the most recent series of actions Gardaí identify almost 1,000 people with Irish addresses linked to the sinister operation which also funds terror

Previous 2023 Garda Actions Against Black Axe:

  • 3 premises were searched in Dublin, Wicklow, and Longford
  • 9 persons were arrested and detained under Organised Crime legislation
  • 4 Persons were arrested and detained for money laundering offenses
  • 33 persons were arrested and charged with money laundering
  • 1 person was arrested and charged with gangland offenses and money laundering
  • 9 incidents of stolen money recovered from foreign bank accounts
  • Over €400,000 of stolen monies was recovered from Irish companies.

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Bank Customer Interventions

Bank Customer Interventions

By Ken Palla, Retired Director, MUFG Union Bank – Courtesy of BioCatch

You Have a Customer Scam Alert, Now What?

Recently, many of the more technically advanced financial institutions have worked to develop anomaly detection capabilities to detect financial scams (authorized transactions initiated by the real customer). These scams are inherently difficult to detect as it is the real customer doing the transaction. Legacy controls, such as known IP address, device fingerprint, and mobile phone location, all indicate that the real customer is doing the transaction.

Some financial institutions, working with vendors, have developed effective solutions to detect these scam transactions. So, half the battle is won with scam transaction alerts that have a decent false positive ratio. Now the financial institution must decide what to do next to turn the alert into a confirmed scam case or get the customer on their own to stop the transaction. A payment not sent is a scam loss prevented.

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16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Taken Down

16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Taken Down

By Interpol & SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizems Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Interpol Coordinated Takes Down 16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Used By 70,000 People

16shop Notorious phishing platform shut down, arrests in international police operation

In a remarkable triumph over cybercriminal activity, the curtains have fallen on the nefarious phishing-as-a-service platform known as 16shop. This decisive outcome emerged from a comprehensive international effort led by Interpol.

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Cryptocurrency Recovery Alert from the FBI

Cryptocurrency Recovery Alert from the FBI

By U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Increase in Companies Falsely Claiming an Ability to Recover Funds Lost in Cryptocurrency Investment Scams

The FBI warns of an increase in cryptocurrency recovery schemes, which exploit victims who lost cryptocurrency to fraud, scams, and theft

Never hire or pay a private/for-profit company to trace and recover your cryptocurrency. Only law enforcement can effectively do it and they do it for free!

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Cybercriminals Operating Major Ransomware Hosting Service Arrested In Poland

Cybercriminals Operating Major Ransomware Hosting Service Arrested In Poland

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions Department of Justice and Europol

Cybercriminals Running ‘Bulletproof’ Webhosting Domain Charged in Connection with Facilitation of ‘NetWalker’ Ransomware

U.S. Authorities, along with Europol Announce Court-Authorized Seizure of

5 European cybercriminals were also arrested!

An indictment was unsealed yesterday in Tampa, Florida, USA charging a Polish national with computer fraud conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, and international money laundering in connection with the provision of “bulletproof” web hosting services that facilitated the operation of ransomware attacks and the subsequent laundering of the illicit proceeds.

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Talking To Kids/Youth About Online Risk [VIDEO]

Talking To Kids/Youth About Online Risk [VIDEO]

By National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (U.S. Government) and SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

How can parents encourage their children/youth to use online technology safely and privately – a NIST Video – used with permission

NIST Researchers Explore Best Practices for Talking to Kids About Online Privacy

Today’s youth are digital natives. They’ve never known a world without the internet or online technology. It is crucial they develop the skills and resilience to safely navigate these digital environments from an early age. At NIST, scientists conducted a study to find out how much these digital natives and their parents know about online security and privacy.

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Interpol Operation Jackal – Arrested Over 100

Interpol Operation Jackal – Arrested Over 100

By Interpol & SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Interpol & Partners Target West African Cybercriminals In Major Raid Seizing Million Of Euros!

Interpol closing ranks on West African organized crime: more than EUR 2 million seized in Operation Jackal – tackling the global footprint of Black Axe and similar West Africa-based organized crime groups

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Cryptocurrency Home Invasion Armed Robbery

Cryptocurrency Home Invasion Armed Robbery

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., and third-party sources

A Significant New Escalation In The Theft Of Cryptocurrency – Violent Home Invasions

Durham, North Carolina Police & The FBI Are Investigating A Terrifying Home Invasion Involving Cryptocurrency Theft

A Durham, North Carolina couple endured a harrowing ordeal during a recent home invasion, where they were targeted for their cryptocurrency holdings. According to authorities, two armed men, disguised as construction workers, approached the couple’s Wells Street residence.

Once inside, the assailants, identified as Remy Ra St. Felix and Elmer Castro, brandished handguns and restrained the elderly couple using zip ties. The terrified victims, both 76 years old, were then coerced into transferring a significant amount of cryptocurrency, totaling $250,000, to an undisclosed account.

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Family Takes Legal Action Against Banks After Navy Veteran Loses $3.6 Million in Wire Fraud Scheme

Family Takes Legal Action Against Banks After Navy Veteran Loses $3.6 Million in Wire Fraud Scheme

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions NBC

Family Files Lawsuit Against Banks After Veteran Loses $3.6 Million in Wire Fraud Scheme The family of a veteran who fell victim to a devastating wire fraud scheme has taken legal action against multiple banks involved.

A Navy veteran’s family is pursuing legal action against banks and credit unions in Virginia, claiming they should have taken stronger measures to prevent the veteran’s substantial losses in an apparent wire fraud scheme. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the late Larry Cook’s estate, accuses Wells Fargo and Navy Federal Credit Union of negligence and other claims. According to court documents, Cook initiated 74 international wire transfers through Navy Federal and one transfer through Wells Fargo. The family suspects Cook was deceived by a phishing scam, resulting in unauthorized transfers. The case raises concerns about financial institutions’ responsibility in protecting customers from fraud and the need for enhanced prevention measures.

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In Japan – Secondary Victimization by Law Firms

In Japan – Secondary Victimization by Law Firms

By Rika Takebe, Vice Director, NPO Charms – a Janaese Nonprofit Supporting Japanese Scam Victims [on Facebook]

In Japan, Law Firms “Specialized In The Romance Scams / Money Recovery” Come To The Top Of Search

In Japan, if you search “romance scams” (国際ロマンス詐欺) on Google in the Japanese language, the law offices claim to be specialized in online romance scams come to the top of the search. These law offices say they have successfully recovered the loss for the online romance scam victims.

This is becoming a secondary victimization in Japan.

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Thoughts About Boundaries

Thoughts About Boundaries

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Boundaries & No Self Limits – A Leading Cause Of Scams

What Are Boundaries and Why Do YOU Need Them?

Boundaries are imaginary lines that separate us from each other. It separates your physical space, your feelings, needs, and responsibilities from others.

Your boundaries also tell other people how they can treat you – what’s acceptable and what isn’t. Without boundaries, people may take advantage of you because you haven’t set limits about how you expect to be treated.

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The Science Of Victimology – What Is It?

The Science of Victimology – What Is It?

Understanding how the Victim Experience, Vulnerabilities, and Psychology are Studied

Primary Category: Scam Psychology

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

Victimology, pronounced vic·tim·ol·o·gy, is the scientific study of crime victims and the psychological impacts of their experiences. As a branch of criminology and an aspect of sociology, psychology, and social anthropology, victimology examines the relationship between victims and offenders, exploring the causes, characteristics, and consequences of victimization.

Victimologists use the scientific method to research victimization, the criminal justice system’s response, and societal roles in prevention and support. Key figures in the field include Benjamin Mendelsohn and Hans von Hentig.

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The Tao – The Philosophy of the Path to Recovery

The Tao – The Philosophy of the Path to Recovery

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Tao – This is the Way

A relationship scam is a vicious crime that has the potential not only to be devastatingly traumatic but can almost destroy the very soul of its victims. The Tao – the way – offers an approach to recover from the crime and the devastation to the self that the scam inflicts.

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The Subtle Sabotage Of Blame In Cybersecurity & Online Safety

The Subtle Sabotage Of Blame In Cybersecurity & Online Safety

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Blame in Cybersecurity & Online Safety is Rampant!

We all do it, we all blame someone for something.

Sometimes blame is justified, sometimes there is cause, and it is very hard to remove it from your vocabulary – but it is always destructive.

I recently heard a cybersecurity training professional tell a story about motivating a corporate team to do better with cybersecurity. It was something to the effect that they needed to learn the material because “You don’t want to be the one that lets a breach happen!” That is blame!

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Cybercrime/Cybersecurity Training Has Failed!

Cybercrime/Cybersecurity Training Has Failed!

A commentary on the state of cybercrime/cybersecurity training and helping victims avoid scams/fraud/cybercrime.

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Cybercrime/Cybersecurity training does not work?

Cybercrime training, also known as cybersecurity training, is a form of education that aims to teach individuals and organizations how to protect themselves against cyberattacks and other forms of online threats. But it mostly has failed.

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A Small Drop Of Insight About Victims’ Trauma

A Small Drop Of Insight About Victims’ Trauma

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

An Insight about Scam Victims and How To Help

One of the great challenges that we have seen in long-term victims/survivors of romance scams (and all relationship scams) is that they never return to exactly who they were.

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