Latest Articles about Scams Fraud & Cybercrime

16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Taken Down

16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Taken Down

By Interpol & SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizems Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Interpol Coordinated Takes Down 16shop Phishing-As-A-Service Platform Used By 70,000 People

16shop Notorious phishing platform shut down, arrests in international police operation

In a remarkable triumph over cybercriminal activity, the curtains have fallen on the nefarious phishing-as-a-service platform known as 16shop. This decisive outcome emerged from a comprehensive international effort led by Interpol.

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2023-08-14T12:35:37-04:00August 14th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Cryptocurrency Recovery Alert from the FBI

Cryptocurrency Recovery Alert from the FBI

By U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Increase in Companies Falsely Claiming an Ability to Recover Funds Lost in Cryptocurrency Investment Scams

The FBI warns of an increase in cryptocurrency recovery schemes, which exploit victims who lost cryptocurrency to fraud, scams, and theft

Never hire or pay a private/for-profit company to trace and recover your cryptocurrency. Only law enforcement can effectively do it and they do it for free!

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2023-08-14T12:02:01-04:00August 14th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Cybercriminals Operating Major Ransomware Hosting Service Arrested In Poland

Cybercriminals Operating Major Ransomware Hosting Service Arrested In Poland

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions Department of Justice and Europol

Cybercriminals Running ‘Bulletproof’ Webhosting Domain Charged in Connection with Facilitation of ‘NetWalker’ Ransomware

U.S. Authorities, along with Europol Announce Court-Authorized Seizure of

5 European cybercriminals were also arrested!

An indictment was unsealed yesterday in Tampa, Florida, USA charging a Polish national with computer fraud conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, and international money laundering in connection with the provision of “bulletproof” web hosting services that facilitated the operation of ransomware attacks and the subsequent laundering of the illicit proceeds.

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2023-08-13T06:12:09-04:00August 12th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Projection And Scam Victims

Projection And Scam Victims

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Projection Is A Psychological Defense Mechanism

It involves painting one’s own thoughts, views, feelings, and characteristics to someone else instead of seeing what is actually there!

With romance or other forms of relationship scams (including pig butchering scams) and their aftermath, psychological projection can play a significant role both during and after the scam.

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2023-08-12T06:30:16-04:00August 12th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Abstinence for Scam Victims – A Requirement For Healing

Abstinence for Scam Victims – A Requirement For Healing

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Crucial Role of Abstinence for Scam Victims: Navigating the Path to Recovery

Introduction to Abstinence

The prevalence of scams has risen to alarming levels – of course, scam victims all know that already.

Scammers are constantly devising new and sophisticated ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals, leaving their victims emotionally and financially devastated. They are especially out looking for previous victims since they are even more vulnerable than they were before their first scam. This is a major reason why abstinence is so important during recovery. Not just to avoid being scammed again, but to avoid the even worse trauma that comes with additional scams.

For those who have fallen victim to scams, the journey through recovery is a process of healing wounds and making informed choices to ensure future well-being.

One such vital choice is the practice of abstinence – a conscious decision to avoid any contact with potential scammers or platforms where they abound, such as dating websites.

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2023-08-11T21:19:15-04:00August 11th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|3 Comments

Talking To Kids/Youth About Online Risk [VIDEO]

Talking To Kids/Youth About Online Risk [VIDEO]

By National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (U.S. Government) and SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

How can parents encourage their children/youth to use online technology safely and privately – a NIST Video – used with permission

NIST Researchers Explore Best Practices for Talking to Kids About Online Privacy

Today’s youth are digital natives. They’ve never known a world without the internet or online technology. It is crucial they develop the skills and resilience to safely navigate these digital environments from an early age. At NIST, scientists conducted a study to find out how much these digital natives and their parents know about online security and privacy.

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2023-08-11T00:57:03-04:00August 11th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Human Scam Trafficking – The Knoble Report

The Knoble Report On Human Scam Trafficking

By The Knoble & SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

From Fake Job Ads to Human Trafficking: The Horrifying Reality of the Human Trafficking Scam Trade

Human Trafficking Scam Trade preys on vulnerable individuals trapping victims in a web of human trafficking, coercion, fraud, and cryptocurrencies. Our new publication, in collaboration with The Mekong Club, Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative, and Humanity Research Consultancy, sheds light on the shocking tactics used by criminal networks and highlights the complexities surrounding detection and prevention. Discover the hidden tactics involving fraud, money laundering, human trafficking, and cryptocurrencies, and learn how you can prevent this critical issue.

SCARS is a proud member of the Knoble.

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2023-08-10T13:58:55-04:00August 10th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Interpol Operation Jackal – Arrested Over 100

Interpol Operation Jackal – Arrested Over 100

By Interpol & SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Interpol & Partners Target West African Cybercriminals In Major Raid Seizing Million Of Euros!

Interpol closing ranks on West African organized crime: more than EUR 2 million seized in Operation Jackal – tackling the global footprint of Black Axe and similar West Africa-based organized crime groups

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2023-08-08T21:26:52-04:00August 8th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Cryptocurrency Home Invasion Armed Robbery

Cryptocurrency Home Invasion Armed Robbery

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., and third-party sources

A Significant New Escalation In The Theft Of Cryptocurrency – Violent Home Invasions

Durham, North Carolina Police & The FBI Are Investigating A Terrifying Home Invasion Involving Cryptocurrency Theft

A Durham, North Carolina couple endured a harrowing ordeal during a recent home invasion, where they were targeted for their cryptocurrency holdings. According to authorities, two armed men, disguised as construction workers, approached the couple’s Wells Street residence.

Once inside, the assailants, identified as Remy Ra St. Felix and Elmer Castro, brandished handguns and restrained the elderly couple using zip ties. The terrified victims, both 76 years old, were then coerced into transferring a significant amount of cryptocurrency, totaling $250,000, to an undisclosed account.

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2023-08-06T10:19:30-04:00August 6th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Why Scammers Don’t Give Up

Why Scammers Don’t Give Up

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Almost Every Victim Continues To Receive Emails, Texts, Messages, Or Phone Calls From Their Scammers Even After The Scam Has Been Discovered And Ended!

Why do scammers do this? Don’t they know they are not getting any more money?

In today’s world, it takes no effort at all for scammers to send out mass emails, texts, messages, and even phone calls. There are thousands of online services that will do it at very low cost or for free! These bulk email services can blast out millions of emails a day!

Scammers operate very much like telemarketers after the scam ends. They know that all it takes is a small percentage of victims to have doubts about themselves and the certainty that it was a scam or be curious or impulsive. They know that the victim’s own curiosity and impulsivity work in the scammer’s favor. Plus a significant number of victims in the weeks following the ending of the crime will still have lingering doubts about whether it was in fact a scam.

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2023-08-05T18:54:19-04:00August 5th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|2 Comments

U.S. FCC Imposes Record Penalty Against Transnational Illegal Robocalling Operation

FCC Issues Historic $300 Million Fine Against The Largest Robocalling Scam It Has Ever Investigated

By Federal Communications Commission & SCARS Editorial Team

U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Imposes Record Penalty Against Transnational Illegal Robocalling Operation

Robocalling Scammers Who Placed Five Billion Auto Warranty Robocalls Fined Nearly $300 Million for Robocall and Spoofing Violations

The Federal Communications Commission today issued a record-breaking $299,997,000 fine for auto warranty scam robocalling made by the largest illegal robocall operation the agency has ever investigated. An international network of companies violated federal statutes and the Commission’s regulations when they executed a scheme to make more than five billion robocalls to more than 500 million phone numbers during a three-month span in 2021, including violating federal spoofing laws by using more than one million different caller ID numbers in an attempt to disguise the true origin of the robocalls and trick victims into answering the phone.

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2023-08-04T21:10:01-04:00August 4th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

U.S. Cyber Force Moves Forward

U.S. Cyber Force Moves Forward

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions The Record

U.S. Senate Opens Path For A Cyber-Focused Military Branch

The possibility of a U.S. Cyber Force moved one step closer to reality this last week after the Senate approved its version of a massive defense policy bill.

The $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act passed in an 86-11 vote. The Republican-led House narrowly passed its version of the legislation earlier this month, mostly along party lines. The two chambers will now go to conference to write a final compromise measure.

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2023-07-29T17:58:27-04:00July 29th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

FraudGPT – AI For The Bad Guys

FraudGPT – AI For The Bad Guys

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

FraudGPT: The New AI-Powered Cybercrime Tool

The rise of generative AI models has changed the fraud & cybercrime threat landscape drastically and FraudGPT is a new plateau in this new arms race..

Threat actors can now use these models, such as FraudGPT to create realistic and convincing phishing emails, malware, and other malicious content that is flawless (or almost flawless.)

In July 2023, a new AI tool called FraudGPT was discovered on the Dark Web. FraudGPT is a bot that can be used to create realistic phishing emails, cracking tools, and other malicious content. The tool is currently being sold on various Dark Web marketplaces and the Telegram platform.

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2023-07-28T09:15:39-04:00July 28th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

UK Threat From Organised Crime

UK Threat From Organised Crime

By Graeme Biggar CBE, Director General, National Crime Agency, United Kingdom

Providing A Picture Of The Threat To The UK From Serious And Organised Crime

What is Serious and Organised Crime?

Serious and organised crime (SOC) is defined in the 2018 Serious and Organised Crime Strategy as individuals planning, coordinating and committing serious offences, whether individually, in groups and/or as part of transnational networks.

The main categories of serious offences covered by the term are: child sexual abuse; modern slavery and human trafficking; organised immigration crime; illegal drugs; illegal firearms; organised acquisitive crime; cybercrime; fraud; money laundering; and bribery, corruption and sanctions evasion.

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2023-07-28T08:08:40-04:00July 28th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Dark Side of Generative AI

The Dark Side of Generative AI

By Frances Zelazny, Co-Founder & CEO, Anonybit | Strategic Advisor

The Dark Side of Innovation: Identity Theft, Fraud and the Rise of Generative AI

In recent years, technological advancements in artificial intelligence (Generative AI) have revolutionized various fields, making remarkable progress in creating incredibly realistic content. We’ve all been amazed by the possibilities and progress. It’s no wonder that within two months of its launch in late November, ChatGPT had 100 million monthly active users, a number that took Instagram two and a half years to reach and TikTok nine months.

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2023-07-26T21:07:40-04:00July 26th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

67 Year Old Money Mule Convicted

67 Year Old Money Mule Convicted

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

67 Year Old Money Mule Faces 20 Years In Prison

Clay County, Florida Woman – Money Mule – Pleads Guilty To Fraud Charge In Online Romance Scheme


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2023-07-26T16:38:43-04:00July 26th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

U.S. FedNOW Is Launched

U.S. FedNOW Is Launched

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

U.S. Federal Reserve Launches Long-Awaited FedNOW Instant Payments Service, Modernizing System

The United States Federal Reserve announces that its new system for instant payments, the FedNow® Service, is now live

The Federal Reserve on Thursday announced that its new system for instant payments, the FedNow® Service, is now live. Banks and credit unions of all sizes can sign up and use this tool to instantly transfer money for their customers, any time of the day, on any day of the year.

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2023-07-23T11:59:30-04:00July 23rd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

APP Scam/Fraud Repayment In The UK Moves A Step Further

APP Scam/Fraud Repayment In The UK Moves A Step Further

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions PSR

UK’s PSR Takes First Step In Implementing New APP Scam Refund/Reimbursement Requirements

Today, the United Kingdom’s Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) has published its consultation on two of its draft directions which are the legal means to put its new Authorized Push Payments APP scam reimbursement requirements in place. This marks the start of the regulator’s plans to implement new requirements that will see mandatory reimbursement for victims of APP scams.

In June, the regulator set out its requirements for tackling APP scams and improving protections for victims of these frauds. These include:

  • New rules in Faster Payments – the payment system across which the vast majority of APP fraud currently takes place – strengthening Pay.UK’s ability to tackle fraud.
  • All payment firms will be incentivised to take action, with sending and receiving firms splitting the costs of reimbursement 50:50.
  • Customers will be more protected under consistent minimum standards, with most APP fraud victims being reimbursed within five business days and additional protections offered for vulnerable customers.
  • Industry will have clearer guidance to follow, including around the ability to apply a claim excess and maximum level of reimbursement, which the PSR will consult on later this year.

The PSR said it would seek views on the legal means by which the new changes will be enforced and focuses on the detail of two of the three legal instruments.

The first requirement looks at the rule changes needed to be applied within the Faster Payments System (FPS) – which is how people can make a payment from one account to another. The second requirement focuses on making sure Pay.UK, the operator of the FPS, has an effective monitoring regime that will measure whether payment firms are consistently complying with the reimbursement requirements.

The PSR has also published the draft details of the general direction that will see all payment firms reimbursing victims of APP scams. This third direction will be consulted on separately in October.

The PSR wants these requirements to be in place for consumers as soon as possible and is proposing an implementation date of 2 April 2024. This is likely to be a challenging target for firms, and the PSR welcomes views on what is required for operational readiness but would not expect implementation to be any later than Q2 2024.

Chris Hemsley, Managing Director of the PSR says:

“This is a broad package of measures to tackle APP scams and protect victims of these frauds.

“Our directions will put clear requirements and incentives in place to not only ensure payment firms improve how they stop fraud, but also make sure victims are treated fairly.

“By consulting on these directions now, we are sending a clear signal that we are moving to implement these proposals as soon as possible.”

What Happens Next?

  • In August the PSR will consult on the maximum level of reimbursement and claim excess and additional guidance on the customer standard Read More …
2023-07-23T12:07:05-04:00July 23rd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Robocall Refunds From The FTC & State Of Florida $540,000

Robocall Refunds From The FTC & State Of Florida $540,000

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions FTC

FTC and State of Florida Send More Than $540,000 to Consumers Who Lost Money to Robocall Scammers Selling Bogus Interest Rate Reduction Services

The Federal Trade Commission and the Florida Attorney General are sending refunds totaling more than $540,000 to consumers nationwide who were defrauded by Life Management Services of Orange County, LLC, and related companies who tricked them into paying for worthless credit card interest rate reduction and debt elimination programs. The average check amount is $117.

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2023-07-23T06:56:44-04:00July 23rd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Illegal Robocallers – People Hate Them

Illegal Robocallers – People Hate Them

By Lesley Fair – Federal Trade Commission – reprinted

Robocallers E-I-E-I-NO: Operation Stop Scam Calls targets operators that facilitate illegal robocalls, including “consent farms”

People hate illegal robocallers. No one knows that more than the FTC, which is why we’ve brought 167 cases to date and we won’t stop until companies that violate the FTC Act and the Telemarking Sales Rule hang up once and for all. In the latest battle against these illegal and injurious intrusions, the FTC and over 100 federal and state partners have announced Operation Stop Scam Calls, a nationwide crackdown involving over 180 actions against operations responsible for billions of illegal calls.

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2023-07-22T16:36:29-04:00July 22nd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Magical Thinking – How Biased & Delusional Thinking Enslaves Scam Victims

How Magical Biased & Delusional Thinking Enslaves Scam Victims

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

The Enchanting Deception: Unraveling How Delusional Thinking Entraps Scam Victims

The Shackles of Fantasy (Magical Thinking):

In a world filled with the allure of magic and fantasy, it is easy to be captivated by extraordinary promises and grand illusions – this is the root of Magical Thinking.

Unfortunately, this same allure can become a dangerous trap, leading individuals into the realm of delusional thinking. In the case of scams, the intertwining of magical and fantasy delusions with unrealistic beliefs can enslave victims, making it challenging for them to recover from the emotional and financial devastation.

This article examines the psychological mechanisms at play, shedding light on how magical delusional thinking plays a pivotal role in perpetuating the cycle of deception.

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2023-07-22T09:43:13-04:00July 22nd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Scam Victim Commits Crimes For Their Scammers

Scam Victim Commits Crimes For Their Scammers

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

A Japanese Scam Victim Embezzled Millions From Her Employer!

Why did this romance scam victim embezzle?! Simply, she was under the control of criminals; it’s nothing more complicated than that!

Nisshin’s a 66-year-old woman and scam victim was suspected of embezzling 10 million yen (USD$71,613 dollars) from her employer!

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2023-07-19T21:00:29-04:00July 19th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

What Really Are Vulnerabilities That Lead To Scams? [UPDATED 2024]

What Really Are Vulnerabilities That Lead To Scams?

Psychology of Scams

•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

About This Article

The article explores the diverse landscape of vulnerabilities, aiming to alleviate stigma and empower scam victims and their support systems. It underscores that vulnerabilities are inherent to humanity and should not elicit blame.

Vulnerabilities encompass psychological, emotional, and environmental factors influencing susceptibility to harm. Insights delve into emotional sensitivity, cognitive distortions, interpersonal challenges, trauma triggers, and self-esteem issues, shaped by developmental experiences and environmental stressors.

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55 Scammers Arrested – Nigerians Execute A Major Raid

55 Scammers Arrested – Nigerians Execute A Major Raid

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions EFCC

55 Scammers Arrested In Massive Raids In Nigeria

The Scammers Arrested Include Ex-Convict Scammers Returning To Crime

According to the EFCC, they executed a major raid with 55 scammers arrested, Seized 7 Cars, 79 Phones:

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2023-07-19T21:01:22-04:00July 17th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|1 Comment

27 Food Fraudsters Arrested In Lithuania And Italy

27 Food Fraudsters Arrested In Lithuania And Italy

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions EUROPOL

Fraudsters Relabelled Millions Of Expired Food Products And Reintroduced Them To The Supply Chain, Risking Health And Safety Of European Consumers

A two-part investigation across several EU Member States has unveiled a criminal/fraudster network that operates by reintroducing expired food into the supply chain.

In total, law enforcement officials have arrested 27 fraudsters/criminals responsible for this relatively new criminal practice that jeopardizes the health and safety of European consumers.

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2023-07-14T21:42:29-04:00July 14th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Is The Nigerian EFCC Serious Again?

Is The Nigerian EFCC Serious Again?

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions EFCC

After Nearly A 3 Week Hiatus, The Nigerian EFCC Is Back Arresting Scammers!

After the abrupt removal of the Nigerian EFCC Chairman and the appointment of his replacement, the EFCC’s enforcement took a nose dive!

Many are questioning the Nigerian government’s commitment to eradicating online criminals/cybercriminals from Nigeria. And the hiatus of the last 3 weeks is not speaking well of their efforts.

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2023-07-14T20:57:55-04:00July 14th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Tragic Canadian Romance Scam Victim Story

A Tragic Canadian Romance Scam Victim Story

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions CBC by Colleen Underwood (see below for source link)

A Calgary Woman Became A Victim And Was Scammed Out Of Nearly $500K In An Online Dating Scam

Another Victim Study In Victimology:

A Candian fell victim to a very typical romance scam and lost her life savings and money she borrowed.

As is often the case, a scam victim will be left in a devastated state grasping for answers and unless they find a competent professional support organization or counseling, are left on their own to try to understand what happened and to recover.

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2023-07-14T20:59:27-04:00July 14th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|2 Comments

UK Identifies Meta As Responsible For 61% Of APP Fraud

UK Identifies Meta As Responsible For 61% Of APP Fraud

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc. & portions Financial Times

UK Finance, A Banking & Finance Lobby Group In The UK, Is Raising Concerns About Meta

Meta Is The Company That Owns Social Media Sites Facebook, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram, And Whatsapp, Regarding Its Connection To Digital Payment Scams In Britain

According to UK Finance, 61% of reported authorized push payment (money transfer) fraud by volume is linked to Meta’s platforms.

The lobby group has written a letter to the Chancellor, urging the government to hold tech giants (Meta) accountable for the rise in financial crime.

Last year, authorized push payment (money transfers) fraud amounted to £485 million, with scammers employing various tactics, such as impersonating relatives or issuing false fines.

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2023-07-13T04:25:24-04:00July 13th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Facebook Is Using Your Tax Data!

Facebook Is Using Your Tax Data!

By AP – Associated Press / reprinted

3 Major Tax Prep Firms Shared ‘Extraordinarily Sensitive’ Data About Taxpayers With Meta, Lawmakers Say

Three large tax preparation firms sent “extraordinarily sensitive” information on tens of millions of taxpayers to Facebook’s parent company Meta over the course of at least two years, a group of congressional Democrats reported on Wednesday.

They say some of that data was then used by Meta to create targeted advertising to its own users, other companies, and to train Meta’s algorithms.

The Democrats’ report urges federal agencies to investigate and potentially go to court over the wealth of information that H&R Block, TaxAct and TaxSlayer shared with the social media giant.

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2023-07-12T18:40:27-04:00July 12th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Three Components Of Well Managed Victim Support Groups – SCARS Support Group Handbook Part 1

Three Components Of Well Managed Victim Support Groups

Part 1 of the SCARS Official Handbook for Scam Victim Support & Recovery Groups

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

In The Creation And Management Of Victim Support Groups To Help Traumatized Scam Victims There Are A Range Of Required Components

In this series of articles about victim support groups we will explore what those components are, the application of best practices, and how best to support victims through to stability and recovery.

This is the SCARS Victim Support Model

The Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams has taken the best parts of over 120 years of recovery science – including the principles and fundamentals of Alcoholics Anonymous – and applied this to the victim support of traumatized & emotionally devastated financial fraud victims to help transform them into survivors.

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2023-07-12T05:06:50-04:00July 12th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Family Takes Legal Action Against Banks After Navy Veteran Loses $3.6 Million in Wire Fraud Scheme

Family Takes Legal Action Against Banks After Navy Veteran Loses $3.6 Million in Wire Fraud Scheme

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions NBC

Family Files Lawsuit Against Banks After Veteran Loses $3.6 Million in Wire Fraud Scheme The family of a veteran who fell victim to a devastating wire fraud scheme has taken legal action against multiple banks involved.

A Navy veteran’s family is pursuing legal action against banks and credit unions in Virginia, claiming they should have taken stronger measures to prevent the veteran’s substantial losses in an apparent wire fraud scheme. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of the late Larry Cook’s estate, accuses Wells Fargo and Navy Federal Credit Union of negligence and other claims. According to court documents, Cook initiated 74 international wire transfers through Navy Federal and one transfer through Wells Fargo. The family suspects Cook was deceived by a phishing scam, resulting in unauthorized transfers. The case raises concerns about financial institutions’ responsibility in protecting customers from fraud and the need for enhanced prevention measures.

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2023-07-11T17:43:55-04:00July 11th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Changes In A Scam Victim’s Life

Changes In A Scam Victim’s Life

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

After A Scam Or Crime Is Over, Its Victims Are Left To Figure Out How To Go Forward And What Changes Need To Be Made In Their Life!

Scam victim changes come at every stage of the post-crime recovery. They vary from stage to stage as the person goes from being a victim to a survivor to a thrive! At each stage, different changes are needed both for safety and to allow emotional and psychological recovery.

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2023-07-11T17:45:30-04:00July 11th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|2 Comments

In Japan – Secondary Victimization by Law Firms

In Japan – Secondary Victimization by Law Firms

By Rika Takebe, Vice Director, NPO Charms – a Janaese Nonprofit Supporting Japanese Scam Victims [on Facebook]

In Japan, Law Firms “Specialized In The Romance Scams / Money Recovery” Come To The Top Of Search

In Japan, if you search “romance scams” (国際ロマンス詐欺) on Google in the Japanese language, the law offices claim to be specialized in online romance scams come to the top of the search. These law offices say they have successfully recovered the loss for the online romance scam victims.

This is becoming a secondary victimization in Japan.

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2023-07-10T15:14:39-04:00July 10th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Scam Victims Use Work To Avoid Healing

Scam Victims Use Work To Avoid Healing

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

When Scam Victims Throw Themselves Into Their Work After A Scam It Can Be To Avoid Confronting What Has Happened To Them

When scam victims experience trauma, it can have a profound impact on their emotional well-being and daily lives.

In some cases, trauma survivors may immerse themselves deeply in their work as a coping mechanism to avoid thinking or feeling the pain associated with their traumatic experiences.

Trauma can have a profound impact on a scam victim, both emotionally and mentally. In some cases, traumatized victims may find it difficult to cope with their emotions and may turn to work as a way to avoid dealing with their trauma.

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2023-07-09T23:31:35-04:00July 9th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Scam Victims & Mental Health Blaming

Scam Victims & Mental Health Blaming

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Mental Health Blaming For Scam Victims Is An Insidious Undermining Of Those Struggling To Heal And Recover

Let’s be clear, we are not talking about mental health conditions such as psychopathy or narcissism. We are talking about the vastly common depression and anxiety disorders that may affect as many as half of our population and other debilitating disorders that prevent normal people from living their best lives.

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2023-07-09T17:07:52-04:00July 9th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|2 Comments

Hong Kong And Mainland Chinese Police In Major Raid

Hong Kong And Mainland Chinese Police In Major Raid

By SCARS Editorial Team Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions SCMP

Hong Kong, Mainland Chinese Police Arrest 17 Suspects In Connection With 149 Online Fraud Cases, Including Writers Of Scripted Scam Dialogue/Scripts

Joint Hong Kong & PRC operation breaks up a major group believed to have carried out online scams, including so-called naked chat blackmail, cheating victims out of HK$68.2 million. Writers of scripted dialogue for scammers among those arrested in Hong Kong

Hong Kong and mainland Chinese police have arrested 17 members of a syndicate suspected to be involved in at least 149 online fraud cases, including writers who provided scripted dialogue for swindlers to trick victims.

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2023-07-08T19:51:03-04:00July 8th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Scout Mindset And Scam Victims

The Scout Mindset And Scam Victims

By Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

A Curious Case Of Opposing Mindsets: Scout Mindset & Soldier Mindset

What Is The “Scout Mindset”

The scout mindset is a way of thinking that emphasizes curiosity, unbiased truth-seeking, and facing reality, even if that reality is unexpected. In the context of scam victims/survivors, we call these “realists.”

It is the opposite of the “soldier mindset”, which is a natural tendency to use motivated (biased) reasoning to defend one’s existing beliefs instead of being open to changing them. This is antithetical to scam victim recovery!

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2023-07-08T18:58:55-04:00July 8th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Government Impersonation Scams Are On The Rise!

Government Impersonation Scams Are On The Rise!

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Government Impersonation Scams: What You Need to Know

In today’s digital age, scammers have found new avenues to exploit unsuspecting individuals, and one of the most insidious forms of deception is government impersonation scams. These scams involve fraudsters posing as government officials or agencies to manipulate victims into disclosing sensitive information, making fraudulent payments, or engaging in other illegal activities. This article aims to shed light on the dangers of government impersonation scams, the tactics employed by scammers, and ways to protect oneself from falling victim.

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2023-07-08T17:35:25-04:00July 8th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Major Ivory Coast Scammer Kingpin of OPERA1er Group Arrested

Major Ivory Coast Scammer Kingpin of OPERA1er Group Arrested

By SCARS Editorial Team – Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc., portions from Interpol

Ivory Coast’s DITT Arrests A Senior “OPERA1er” Group Kingpin Linked To Cybercrime Around The World

An alleged senior member (kingpin) of the cybercriminal group “OPERA1er” linked to attacks on financial institutions across Africa, Latin America and Asia, has been arrested in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. To achieve this arrest, Côte d’Ivoire’s Directorate of Informatics and Technological Traces (DITT) worked with INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) Singapore, AFRIPOL, and Group-IB.

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2023-07-07T21:40:54-04:00July 7th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Scam Victim Resiliency – Why It Is So Much Worse After The Scam – Updated 2024

Scam Victim Resiliency – Why It Is So Much Worse After The Scam

Scam Victims’ Recovery Psychology

•  Vianey Gonzalez B.Sc(Psych) – Psychologist, Certified Deception Professional, Psychology Advisory Panel & Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
•  Tim McGuinness, Ph.D. – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

Article Abstract

Recovery for scam victims is a complex process. Upon discovering the scam, acknowledging it’s not their fault is crucial.

Scam Victims must navigate a spectrum of emotions, seeking support from friends, family, or specialized groups.

Education about scam tactics empowers individuals, contributing to prevention. Reporting the scam is both responsible and aids collective anti-scam efforts. Prioritizing self-care and seeking professional counseling supports emotional healing. Realistic expectations, gradual trust rebuilding, and learning from the experience are integral.

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